another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

A small gift for Glo

Today is Gloria's 35th birthday.  No worries; she does not mind you knowing that.  It is a great day at our house as we celebrate a reminder of God's love for all of us.  We are all thankful to God for Gloria, and I hope that today I could help to show her that.

Love you, Gloria, and happy birthday.

If you know me, then you know of my singing skills.  Okay, I have none!  It's pretty bad, trust me.  That is unfortunate.  Actually, I will have to tell you a little more about that in another post.  It is unfortunate on a day like today, Gloria's birthday.  I would love to be able to sing to her songs that are special to us, but with my voice that is not possible (Anyone offering singing lessons?).  So, to help me out, I have summoned the help of a few friends of mine.

Thank you, Babyface, for being with us today and helping me out.  Just like countless of other guys around the world, you always help a brother out!
++If you are reading by email, click here to view our first video.++

And thank you, Brian McKnight for being here today as well.  I always need this reminder.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view our second video.++

Finally, I had to summon all my power for this one. Somehow Mr. Luther Vandross has shown up to the party. He is here, of course, with our favorite voice of all time, Mariah Carey.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view our final video.++

So, to my endless love, may this be another of many more birthdays we celebrate together.

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