another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

At the races

7/22/2011 0
How is your day?  Do you need to laugh?  Yes, you probably do.  Then this post is for you.

A group organized a day at the races by creating a carousel horse race.  Watch as the children get into it and the bystanders enjoy the commentary.  This is a great idea.  I wish I could have been there.  "Kitty-kitty-bang-bang..." at 1:48 is pretty funny.  

++If you are reading by email, click here to view the video.++

Have a nice day.

"Brows" the internet

7/21/2011 0

What have I walked into?

7/20/2011 0

++If you are reading by email, click here to view the video on walking.++

Our life and our Christian faith is often called a walk.  We speak of the Christian walk, and remind ourselves that we walk the straight and narrow.  Remember Jesus' words?  "Follow me," he said.  Those are great words inviting us to walk alongside a great God.  Some of us even sing, "Just a closer walk with thee."  We want our walk to mean something.

We also recognize that our walk can be difficult.  At times we do not feel like walking.  Are we even walking the right way?  Could we walk with someone else?  God, following you takes a great deal of effort and walking. 

Friends, I want to encourage you to keep walking.  I know walking can be tiresome, but keep walking.  Do not let troubles, frustration, confusion or anything else keep you from walking.  If you are feeling like it is time to stop this walk, maybe you should change your walk up a bit.  Maybe you need to skip a little, lighten up.  Perhaps this should be a time of rest for you in your walking.  Your walk would benefit from a rest; we call that sabbath.  Do not think you are giving up walking.  No, you just want your walk to be better--let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Keep walking!  And now I must find a Veggie Tales video.

All you need to fix it is...

7/19/2011 0
Everyone knows there are two essential elements to any tool collection: Duct Tape and WD-40. If you need more than that to fix it, you cannot fix it. Call your buddies.  Well, okay maybe it is not that bad, but at least you run all your home repair projects through the duct tape, WD-40 litmus test. They are your base.

We talk a lot around here about continually becoming new. God, we say, is always calling us to a stronger sense of being God's people. That often means talking about things we are not comfortable with, or being willing to change our minds about things. There is so much about us that needs to be made new.  Yet, there are also elements of our faith that we will not let go of, and for good reason. You might say these are the duct tape and WD-40 of who you are as a disciple of Christ.

What are your WD-40 thoughts about God? Maybe you have a particular part of scripture that is most important to you. For some people everything has to be based on love, for others it is mercy or forgiveness.

My base scriptures are Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28 and Revelation 22:17-21. Of course, I am sure I do not have to remind about the greatest verse of the Bible: John 1:6. So, what about you?

P.S. Speaking of favorite Bible verses, do you remember this?

+another shout-out

Gloria's Surprise 35

7/18/2011 0

Wow! What a weekend. Saturday was Gloria's 35th birthday. I had planned her party for over a month. There were so many details I had to keep to myself so that I would encourage any kind of suspicion on her part. And it worked!

The kids and I made the morning a pretty routine one. We sat around a little and then went to eat lunch. Some of us from our church went to one of our nursing homes to deliver gifts for our United Methodist Women Christmas in July party. After that I arranged for Gloria's brother to pick her up and keep her out of the house while the rest of us got everything in order.

Of course, I did not do this. It was kind of like being at church. As pastor many times people give you credit for an event or project when in fact it was everyone else who worked much harder than you did. That was the case for Gloria's party. Other people cooked, decorated, spent money, sent birthday notes, brought gifts, and arranged things. I cannot thank you enough. I am sure it was all a blessing for Gloria, and I know the party and all the effort that went into it was a blessing to me as well.

For those of you who could not attend the party we have a small treat for you. Here is a short video of our surprise. You look at her face and decide if she is surprised.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view Gloria's surprise party.++

Thank you again. It was fun and memorable.

Sermon Series: Family Matters

7/18/2011 0

In this sermon series we follow Abraham's family and discover what some of their experiences might be able to teach us about our life together with our own family.  This is a four-part series.  I would appreciate your thoughts.

You can use the mini sermon player or click on the sermon title to hear each file.

Week 1: The Lord Will Provide

Week 2: Trust What God Provides

Week 3: The Family Name

Week 4: Me & My Not-So-Perfect Family

Family Matters: Me & My Not-So-Perfect Family

7/18/2011 0

Here is the final sermon in our series entitled Family Matters. It is called Me and My Not-So-Perfect Family. I do plan on putting them all together in one post soon.  If you have heard the series, what, if anything, did you take away from it?

++If you are reading by email, click here to listen to the sermon.++

Yesterday's service included a group of children singing VBS songs. Everyone loves when the children sing, or do anything. It boosts my sermon ratings, too. It has been a busy couple of weeks around, and even as we type a group of our ladies are attending their UMW School of Christian Mission. We are, however, going to have a couple weeks of break, and then back to the holy grind.

I pray your worship time yesterday was an inspiration to you.  How was it?

A small gift for Glo

7/16/2011 0
Today is Gloria's 35th birthday.  No worries; she does not mind you knowing that.  It is a great day at our house as we celebrate a reminder of God's love for all of us.  We are all thankful to God for Gloria, and I hope that today I could help to show her that.

Love you, Gloria, and happy birthday.

If you know me, then you know of my singing skills.  Okay, I have none!  It's pretty bad, trust me.  That is unfortunate.  Actually, I will have to tell you a little more about that in another post.  It is unfortunate on a day like today, Gloria's birthday.  I would love to be able to sing to her songs that are special to us, but with my voice that is not possible (Anyone offering singing lessons?).  So, to help me out, I have summoned the help of a few friends of mine.

Thank you, Babyface, for being with us today and helping me out.  Just like countless of other guys around the world, you always help a brother out!
++If you are reading by email, click here to view our first video.++

And thank you, Brian McKnight for being here today as well.  I always need this reminder.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view our second video.++

Finally, I had to summon all my power for this one. Somehow Mr. Luther Vandross has shown up to the party. He is here, of course, with our favorite voice of all time, Mariah Carey.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view our final video.++

So, to my endless love, may this be another of many more birthdays we celebrate together.

Under an armpit

7/15/2011 0
Something sad is happening in your church today.  I know it; I am a part of your church.  Look at this picture and tell me what you see:

Obama: check
Giddy adults with camera phones: check
A once in a lifetime moment: check

I bet, and I hope, you also observed the little girl.  Check again if you did not.  She is up front just under the shadow of Obama's armpit; what a great place to be.  Wow, she looks like she would not mind being somewhere else.  But doesn't she feel the excitement around her?  Obviously not.  Doesn't she realize what is going on right before her very eyes?  Duh! No.

And that, my friends, is what is happening in our churches.  We adults are having a good time, praising our Savior all the day long while we leaving our children uninvolved and unattached.  Sure you got them to church, and you probably are hoping that will be enough.  Truth?  For some children it will be.  They will grow up and make church a part of what they do because it is what they have always done.  That is why a lot of people are in church still today.  The number of people, however, that we can count on doing that is dwindling.

The other part of the truth is that many will take the first chance they get to not have to go to church anymore.  We have continually made church something we do instead of realizing that our meeting together is something that make us who we are.  With all the other fun things to do, church pales in comparison.  I often wonder if I would fall asleep during my own sermons.  Just going to church is pretty boring. However, church is about shaping us into God's people.  That happens through worship, prayer, baptism, communion, scripture and even the offering, believe it or not. That is something worth being ready for.

Sadly, we trust too much in the "train a child....and when he is old..."  Now, understand I am not about making church more "fun."  Our faith is not a carnival.  Although there are some clowns....nevermind.  What I am suggesting is that we be willing to see where in our faith life our children are just there.  Ask yourself: How can they understand more what we are doing as the body of Christ?  What could they do or experience that would help them realize that?  How much am I willing to pray for them that they would experience more faith growth from church.

Finally, as a church leader I know this next statement to be true.  People often leave the faith business to the church.  The church, however, does not have the monopoly on faith development.  Sunday morning is not the only time God works.  There is always going to be somebody who wants the church to do it all--do not be that somebody!  You know young people in your neighborhood.  Pray for them.  Journey with them.  I know you care about them.  So, do not leave them in Obama's armpit, or anybody else for that matter. 

+another shout-out

Shake It Up Cafe Finale

7/15/2011 1

Today we finished another Vacation Bible School.  We worked with our friends from the Trietsch Memorial Uth Kwoir; it was a lot of fun, and a blessing all wrapped into one week.  This year the children brought canned food items that we will donate to Irving Cares, and they brought in money that we will offer to Imagine No Malaria.  They brought in over 100 cans of food.  There was also just over $100 collected, and the deal was for every $100 collected I would take a pie to the face.

I did get to choose the flavor of the pie.  Make a mental note: Pie in the face in best when done with chocolate cream pie.  Let me guess; you probably want to see the evidence.  Well, then this video is for you.  The pie action begins around the ten minute mark.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view my kids land a pie in my face.++

Video streaming by Ustream  

So, VBS season has come to a close. How was your VBS? What did your church do special this year?  I still have pie in my ear!

Britt's pics :D

7/15/2011 0
Okay, we all know if you had your choice to read or some blog by some 12-yr-old, you would obviously choose mine.  Right?  Well, okay, maybe if the 12-yr-old was close to anotherjohn I might see where that could fall through.

That is right; Brittani has a blog.  Now, she is not into writing too much.  No, her site is dedicated to her pictures.  She loves taking pictures.  She wants a better camera for her birthday, and she has moved on from taking hundreds of photos of herself!  So, on her blog you will find all kinds of photos.

Check it out: Britt's Pics

World's first senior citizen lipdub!

7/13/2011 0
Watch out, Michael.  You energize old people.

This video is described at the world's first senior citizen lipdub. It appeared on the Today Show recently. In what has to be the best display of retirement community organization I have ever seen, residents of Clark Retirement Community participated in a Michael Buble lipdub.

"What is a lipdub?" you ask. Well, pretend you're back in front of the mirror with your hairbrush in hand. You cannot help but break out into a full dance routine as you sing your favorite song. A libdub is sort of like that, but without you actually singing. Yes, you may make a Milli Vanilli joke now.

According to the UM Portal, this retirement community has a tie to the United Methodist Church.
++If you are reading by email, click here to view mine and Gloria's future residence.++

Okay, friends, you can now plan your next lipdub. No camera required.

Tú tienes la culpa!

7/13/2011 0
Gloria and I used to be part of her uncle's church in McAllen.  This was early on in our marriage, before I ended up preaching.  I have one memory from those years that bounces in my mind every so often.  It was a Sunday evening service.  I know that shocks many of my UM peeps, but this was a Nazarene church.  Hey, Nazarenes and UMs are cousins.  Maybe an occasional evening service is just what your UM church is missing.

I digress.  Gloria's uncle repeated a phrase several times throughout his sermon that night.  He would announce: Tú tienes la culpa!  Tú tienes la culpa!  That roughly translates to: It's your fault. 

Oh, we love that line, don't we?  It is so easy to use, and often feels so rewarding afterwards.  And, let's be honest, blaming others is a good way to never be wrong, even if you are.  Let me be of some help: Use it sparingly.  What happens if you are wrong, and it is not their fault?  What if it is your fault?  What if it is not anyone's fault?

Changing our minds or admitting we are wrong can be very difficult.   At least that is what others tell me.  Just ask this woman who cannot be wrong (I do not know anything about her; so, do not think I am favoring any party or political position because you would be wrong!):

++If you are reading by email click here to view the video.++

I think of Peter's dream a lot.  He was convinced that what he knew to be true was indeed the truth.  No question.  His version of his faith meant that Gentiles were to be a separate people.  There was no way God could accept Gentiles without merit, and with all their filthy eating habits.  But dancing sheets got the best of Peter.  It is at this moment you know if you have read the story or not.  Peter realized he was wrong.  And the best part is that others benefited from him doing so.  It is a great story of being willing to hold the blame and allow God to speak truth in love to our hearts.

Church leaders and pew sitters alike could stand to learn this a little better.  So many of us are convinced we are right, and that the other side is to be blamed.  They might say, "Tú tienes la culpa!"  That gets tired and nowhere at the same time.  Perhaps some of our prayers should be, "Lord, show us what it is you want."  You see we often tend to get in the way of God's work.  We might be well-intentioned, but there is someplace that is paved with good intentions, or so I have heard.  Maybe for a little while we could stand to ask God to change our heart instead of the one at the end of our finger.  

What say you, finger pointers of the world?  How has God changed your heart about things?  When have you gone from the blame game to the I am a dork and I am sorry about that game?

Frisbee Power

7/12/2011 1

If your church ever participates in a parade in the summer, here is a bit of advice: bring plenty of Frisbees!  People love them.  They're the summer equivalent of Mardi Gras beads.  Our church had a float in Irving's Independence Day parade last week, and found that out.  We figure for next year we need at least 1,000 more Frisbees.  No kidding.  It is hard to ignore all the screaming requests for one.Do not get me wrong; it was hot.  Still, we had a lot of fun, and we won Best Music.

Here is a video of our float and the cars we had as well.

++If you are reading by email, click here to view the video of our float.++

We also made sure every Frisbee had an invitation to Vacation Bible School. Labels got that job done. Overall, for the second year in a row, we had a lot of fun and reminded everyone we are still alive.

Family Matters: The Family Name

7/11/2011 0

A few nights ago I woke up and could not go back to sleep.  That does not happen to me very often!  While I tried to convince myself to get back to sleep our next sermon series came to me.  I eventually went back to sleep; so, I should make sure I write it all out for myself before I tell you what it is.

This sermon, however, is the third in our series Family Matters.  Someone told me, after hearing this sermon, they knew I would be preaching soon in front of 30,000 people.  Now, that should make you want to hear it, huh?  My response to that bold prediction was, "I hope not." 

VBS is this week.  It should be a lot of fun.  I may find myself doing sermon prep in a chef's hat.  We'll see if Gloria gets any ideas.

++If you're reading by email, click here to listen to the sermon The Family Name.++

Was this sermon helpful? Let me know what you think.

Music Monday: Cover Band Edition

7/11/2011 0

Music and Mondays always play well together.  Today is no exception.  You all know we love percussion around here.  Have I told you Britt has her own trap set now?  It is in her room; she practices everyday.  Everyday.  Inside.  It is wonderful!

Anyways, back to music and Mondays.  I think you are going to enjoy this video.  Unless Earth is not your home planet, you have heard this song.  Maybe you have just never heard it like this.
++If you are reading by email click here to watch the video.++

I told you you would like it.
+another shout-out

Another linkdump, July 8, 2011

7/08/2011 0

So, you have been working all day, and you still have so much to put up with.  Don't you just wish this would make everything okay.

And you thought your first day on the job had some kinks? Take a look at some of these Rookie initiations and be thankful.

By now we have all heard the lecture on the difference between the things we want versus the things we need.  Now, maybe this more or less can liven up that speech.

I really want one of these; no, I do not need them, but I would really enjoy having one.  And, to be clear, I really do not need a toast tattoos? (+link)

It's your bike and it's your name.  Now, they come together.  It's like writing a bike.

Do old people only love Jesus? This guy says he is young, like Jesus, but still: Blessed are the uncool churches.

Finally, what are you really afraid of

We all know women can't park, right?

A bit over dramatic?

7/08/2011 0
When is it okay to be a bit over dramatic?  
Husbands, if you love your life, bite your tongue!

I came across these over dramatic road signs recently, and thought you might get a kick out of them.  You can view the rest here.  

There came a time in my sermon writing career that I realized popping out sermons was more difficult than I originally thought.  People have always asked me if I ever get nervous when I preach.  Unfortunately, I do not.  I should because this is pretty big business we are talking about.  However, I can recall some of the very first times I preached.  I did not know enough to be nervous; I just got up there and opened my big mouth.  Now that I know a little more I am so accustomed to opening my big mouth that it sort of comes naturally.

The point, though, when I realized writing sermons should require more from me is when I realized I lived for being over dramatic in my preaching.  Once I removed that from my preaching, the sermon began to require more from me.  For example, it is easy for a preacher to be over dramatic with the sin stuff.  I can over dramtically preach the hell out of some Romans 6, baby!  Praise God if you know what I mean.  And, do not get me wrong, that needs to be done.  It is more difficult, though, to consider how to get people to continually move from death to life; that is what Paul wants us to do in Romans 6.  That is to say, many people know the wages of sin lead to death, and do not need to be reminded again, at least maybe not right now.  Instead, they need someone who is willing to show them what God's life for us looks like, and perhaps how to get there. 
A great sermon points out what is obvious about who we are, and who we are supposed to be as God's people. But please kill some of the over dramatic stuff.  I want a sermon not a holy TLC moment.  I know it is a good idea not to high speed it in my wheelchair towards a crocodile.  So, isn't this sign a bit over dramatic? 

I hope our preachers can do a better job of painting the gospel picture than this.  Have you heard any sermons lately you thought were over dramatic?  Any of mine?  Do tell.

+another shout-out

Mommas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pastors

7/07/2011 0

When people hear that my dad is a pastor they assume I followed in his footsteps.  That is not exactly how it worked out.  Many people also assume I have a great desire for my children to do the same.  Well, I'll confess I would not mind taking one or more of them under my pastoral wing, but I do not want them doing what I do unless God calls them to. 

And with that in mind, now you can watch this.

Cropping the holy of out it

7/06/2011 0
Ah, the B-I-B-L-E.  Yes, that's the book for me.

But be careful!  Sometimes we can do this to scripture.

A small big and tall guy

7/06/2011 0
Someone once asked me why I do what I do.  My answer in a minute.  First, however, I have to think about what it is I do.  What is a pastor's job?  Every time I think about a pastor's job I always think about Eddie from Barbershop.  At one point in the movie Eddie takes over a shave from one of his younger colleagues.  Eddie proceeds to offer the customer a clean shave, and in the process give everyone else a good ol' days history lesson.  Part of his lecture includes his understanding of what a barber is supposed to be, or at least what a barber used to be.

++If you're reading by email click here to watch the video.++

Many people would probably same very similar things about being a pastor. In fact, many people probably expect their pastor(s) to be all these things and much more.  Of course, that is easy to see why.  A lot of times ministers do everything they can for people.  The question is whether this is a pastor's job.

I cannot recall where I read it, but someone wrote that it is not the pastor's job to be someone's marriage ref, family therapist or guidance counselor.  That surprises people.  "What on earth are they good for then?" you may ask.  A pastor's ultimate job is to direct or redirect people to God.  Young people, old people, church people and not-so-church people; all of us need to be pointed to God.  Now, often that is what an ailing marriage needs, and the pastor may be one to help recognize that.  Again, maybe a struggling family needs to be reminded of God's will for them, and again that pesky pastor should be there to help.  Keep in mind, though, what your pastor is trying to do: point you to God.  Pastors would do well to remember that, too.  It can feel a little empowering to know people call on you first when they are in trouble.  Pastor friends: Get over it!  They called you first because you were cheaper.

So, what is is that I do?  I point people to God, that is what I do.  It also helps me to think of it this way: I am a little person doing a big God's work.  Let me explain.  Shopping for clothes is weird for me.  Style is not the issue.  I have since moved on from the illustrious call of rayon shirts and Dickies slacks.  No, what is difficult for me is that I am a little big guy.  A lot of people think I am a bigger guy, but bigger guys know I am still smaller than they are.  So, big and tall clothes tend to be a tad larger than is necessary, and it is often slim pickings for my actual size in regular people clothes.  I understand a few crunches a day and putting the sodas away might help the situation.  But does my little big man issue keep me from wearing clothes?  Thank the Lord, no!  And does being small keep me from doing God's big work.  Again, thank the Lord, no!

At this point you should make sure to take time to view this collection of more small people doing big work here

I put on my clothes like a big boy and go at this big God business like crazy.  And?  Every now and then someone gets it.  Maybe it comes by way of a sermon.  It has often happened during a Sunday school class, or even after a prayer.  It is those moments when something sinks in to someone's mind and heart and they get it.  I believe those get-it moments are sacred and point us closer to God--hmmm....a pastor's real job.  What is most amazing is that I have a part in that for other people.  I can directly be involved in those wonderful moments that people's hearts are being drawn closer to God.  So, I must say, that is why I do what I do: For those moments. 

Those moments may not come as often as I would like them to, or come to people I really want them to, but I am thankful when they come nevertheless.  What about you?  Why do you do what you do?  Or, have you had a get-it moment lately?  I pray to God that you have.

Family Matters: Trust What God Provides

7/05/2011 0
So, first things first.  I realized the first sermon in our series Family Matters was incomplete.  That is, the recording was incomplete; the last part of the sermon was left off the recording.  Likewise, the sermon from this past Sunday is incomplete, only the first part of this sermon is missing.  I promise I did preach!  That happens from time to time with technology. Still, if you were to listen to the recording available from Sunday you should get the gist of it.  So, is 9 minutes worth the gist?  That is the question.

This was the second sermon in our series entitled Family Matters.  We are reading from Genesis and looking at Abraham's family.  The passage for this week was Rebekah uniting with Isaac in marriage.  We found out Sunday morning one of the men who attends our church is leaving for two weeks to be married.  Also, we had a couple visit us for the first time who were newlyweds.  That was a little added bonus--just like I planned it!

We also welcomed a new member to our church.  Those are exciting moments.  We have made it part of our tradition to respond to the vows members make ( by singing Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  That song represents most of what we celebrate when someone makes a decision to honor God with their lives.  So, before we greet the person or hug their neck we give God praise.

Alleluia, Alleluia
Give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, alleluia, give praise to His name

Jesus is Lord of all the earth
He is the King of creation

Spread the good news o'er all the earth
Jesus has died and has risen

We have been crucified with Christ
Now we shall live forever

Come let us praise the living God
Joyfully sing to our Saviour
Indeed, it was a celebration. And there was a sermon.

++If you are reading by email, click here to listen to Trusting What God Provides++

Monday holidays always throw my week off. So, I must be gone now to catch up for the week that just started. Thanks for reading.