
Music Monday: Your Music Monday

Music Mondays are good for me; how about you? I like sharing music, especially songs you might have missed. Quite often, music speaks to our experiences as living creatures. Those experiences involve other people, people we love, hate, want to know, people who have wronged us, blessed us or forsaken us. Of course, our music often speaks of our relationship to our Creator as well.

But don’t take my word for it. And, don’t let me be the only one who chooses music for Mondays. You have favorite songs; I know you do. Share them. Comment or email music selections you think would be good for us. Remember this isn’t my blog; it’s ours (The Blog That Ties).

Let me know the title of the song; I'll find the lyrics and other info.  If there is a particular cover (certain artist who sings the song) you want just let me know. It doesn't have to be a song directly related to faith. Let me take care of that. For each song I’ll include a small link (tie) to our faith and a small prayer—props as well.

Thanks for making anotherjohn better. Stay blessed…john

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