
Is That Church Growing: Praying Like That

Here is the sermon from yesterday. It is the second sermon in a 7-week series entitled Is That Church Growing? There are many things I’m an excited about here at Oak Haven. Still, I don’t want to give any impression of my answer to the series’ question.

I did leave out an important connector in this sermon. Towards the end, after the balm in Gilead reference, I did not connect the idea of the church’s role in praying for that hope and healing like I should have. That was the main point of the sermon. So, hopefully, I said enough about prayer to stress that. Probably not, but God is gracious.

This morning I came across a small article in a book entitled We Believe in Prayer. The article was called God is in Charge, written by Dr. Nels F. S. Ferre. Here are the opening words:
Without prayer I cannot now conceive of life. We are real and right as we pray correctly, for we are real and right in relation to God, and prayer, at its deepest, is our relating ourselves to God’s will.

Somebody a lot smarter said something I did (or something like that); why wouldn’t I share that with everyone?

You can listen to the sermon by using the player below or by following this link. Also, you can view the order of worship by clicking here.

Stay blessed…john

3 Responses :

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Can I link to this post please?