another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

I don't want to be a candidate!

1/31/2012 0
"You're crazy enough to do this." 

I am sure the psychologists that told me that had used that line with every other wannabe preacher that walked through his office.  Still, hearing that comment was one of the first steps I took toward becoming a candidate of ministry within our church. 

There was no or The Blog That Ties back then.  If I did have a blog in those days I know I would have asked you to pray with us before I went to that meeting.  So, now that I do have a blog, I can ask you to pray with us through this next step. 

This Thursday morning at 11am, I am scheduled to meet with our conference's Board of Ordained Ministry.  Among other responsibilities, this board works with and guides candidates of ministry through the candidacy process.  It is my prayer that after this meeting my candidacy will be finished and that I will be recommended by the board for commissioning in June--though not my will.....  Commissioning is the final two-year step before ordination. 

So, here's our blog and there you are reading.  Can I get you to stop reading for a moment and begin praying?  Remember me Thursday morning, especially.  I'll let you know what happened.


1/31/2012 0
So many of us in the church have yet to experience the healing power of God.  Well, maybe we feel like God healed a physical condition or two over the years.  Yes, that is healing.  I wonder, though, if we think about the healing of God in terms of wholeness and peace, the peace only God can give.  That is what I think the church is lacking.

Some focus on physical healing because it brings the house down and people get excited about it.  Some think their mental and spiritual well-being is not that important, that what they face in those regard are just their cross to bear.  Addiction?  Oh, that's someone's problem they need to fix.  You know, pull themselves up by their bootstraps. 

We miss the many ways we need God's healing.  And we miss the fact that God wants to heal us.  Hear again what Jesus told his troubled disciples: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you (John 14:27).

Our faith reminds us that God has the power to heal.  When we give God authority our healing begins. 

That is the message in this week's sermon entitled "Even!"  I was told this was a meaningful sermon for several people who first heard it last Sunday.  My prayer is that it would be God's word for you, too.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++

The Meep!

1/26/2012 0
Does today feel like one of those days?

Do not fear, for I am with you,
   do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
   I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 

Take pride in're not all that

1/25/2012 0
Preachers take pride in their ability to preach, among other things.  Some in the pews take pride in their ability to witness.  Some pride themselves in leadership.  Others pride themselves in not being prideful. 

Before we get ahead of ourselves, I think it is important to remember what to take pride in.  As Christians, we take pride that in ourselves we're pretty lackluster.  But, by God's grace, we can do amazing things.  That is what crossed my mind after I preach last Sunday, as I thought about the words being sung during our offertory.  

There is a song in The Faith We Sing songbook that reminds us of what we can't take credit for: Grace Alone (#2162).  Read the words from this poem and think about the work you do at your church or on God's behalf.  God's grace is what moves us toward greater faithfulness.  May that be so today.

Every promise we can make,
every prayer and step of faith,
every difference we will make
is only by his grace.

Every mountain we will climb,
every ray of hope we shine,
every blessing left behind,
is only by his grace.

Grace alone which God supplies,
strength unknown he will provide.
Christ in us our Cornerstone;
we will go forth in grace alone.

Every soul we long to reach,
every heart we hope to teach,
everywhere we share his peace
is only by his grace.

Every loving word we say,
every tear we wipe away,
every sorrow turned to praise
is only by his grace.

Grace alone which God supplies,
strength unknown he will provide.
Christ in us our Cornerstone;
we will go forth in grace alone.

Other Fish in the Sea

1/23/2012 0

I had no idea the children of our church liked fishing so much!  What's funny is that most of them said they have never been fishing before. Of course, I found all this out during our children's moments yesterday at church.  All I asked was one simple question: Do you like to go fishing? From there I learned about fishing technique, equipment, the choice between live bait or dead bait, a few experiences and even the gross things about fishing.  It was probably the loudest children's moments we have had here at Oak Haven.  Some suggested they almost "got away" from me.

And, the fishing puns did not stop there--gotta love your church family.  The children, it was said, took that talk hook, line and sinker.  That sermon was a keeper.  But, as excited as the children were, I was able to reel them back. 

Jesus told his would-be disciples that he would teach them how to fish for people.  The children all agreed that would be difficult to do with a regular fishing line.  Especially, for a 'people' like me.  Huh?

What Jesus was inviting them to was a life of discipleship and service.  They responded.  We are asked to follow God, too.  Now, it's easy to follow God on Sunday, but what about the rest of the week?  That was the big question in yesterday's sermon.  It's easy to "Amen!" on Sunday, but can we say it again on Monday?
What happens to the people after you catch them?

Listen to my sermon entitled Other Fish in the Sea and let me know if it was an encouragement to you.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++

But as for me and my house, we will block telemarketers

1/20/2012 0

Party lines: You're doing it wrong.
Conga-like processions always come to my mind when I hear or think about party lines.   You might think about your favorite politician's stance on an issue.  Either way we would both be talking about something other than the O.G. of telecommunications.

If I have it right, as many as 10 people would share a telephone line--called a party line.  Each caller had around 5 minutes before someone was supposed to pick up their phone to make a call.  Of course, nothing could stop someone from listening to your conversation.  Thankfully, no decent-minded person would ever have done that.  Correct me if I am wrong.

While I can't imagine the annoyance of a party line, these days we have our own phone issues.  It was only a matter of time before telemarketers attacked our cell phones.  Some of us have been warning you for years. And, here we are today.  Telemarketers are finding new techniques to faithfully fulfill their interruptive duties. 

Now, I love telemarketers because I think even God does, most days.  Although, we should ask ourselves if we think God even has a cell phone.  Also, I used to be a telemarketer.  What's that?  You think I can be annoying now on Sunday mornings?  Imagine, then, getting a call from me, with my muffled voice, just when you're about to watch your favorite television drama.   I'm just glad making phone calls is nothing pastors have to do.

Still, what the telemarketers are doing is a problem.  Not like a children-are-dying problem, but more of a nuisance problem; get mad and do something now about the dying kind of problems.  And, let's remember that our headset sisters and brothers are only doing what someone else more annoying has asked them politely, with a barely minimum wage promise, to do. 

What you wanna bet these two people are texting each other?

So, I am sharing the following video for two reasons.

   1) We are not totally defenseless in the matter.  There is, at least, a little something we can do.  Most of you had never heard of party lines before today.  Maybe now we can help rid the world of one more nuisance. 

   2)  It highlights a member of our church.  And is nothing if we do not brag on our peeps!  Good job, Pam.

The news site doesn't provide an embedding code.  So, to watch the video you'll have to follow this link: Caller ID Spoofing A Growing Problem

P.S.  You should check out Pam's website: Pammy's Perfect Rubz.  Attention: No,Texas-style rubZ were exchanged for this endorsement.

Have We Met?

1/18/2012 0

Would you be annoyed if Jesus were in the habit of finishing your sentences?

Gloria and I always look at each other when that happens to us.  You can guess who gets annoyed first, or who does the finishing of sentences.  But we also act a little surprised when it happens.  Why?  It's not like it's never happened before.  It's not like we haven't known each other for half our lives.  We can know what each other is thinking because we know each other so well.  That is a blessing.  It is a blessing I am sure many of you share.

It is the same with God.  God knows us.  I don't think God is interested in finishing our sentences.  Although, maybe it is God who completes the thought or idea for us when we can't seem to find the creativity or words we need.  Still, the God that calls us knows us.  Now, for many people, that assurance became a threat.

It shouldn't worry us that God knows everything about us--all the good and the not-very-good-at-all.  Psalm 139 is a reminder that God knows everything about us and loves us anyway. 

And that is the reminder expressed in this sermon.  I hope you find comfort, hope and peace in such knowledge too wonderful for us to fully appreciate.  Listen to the sermon entitled Have We Met? and let me know what thoughts about your calling came to mind.  Also, as a response, consider participating in a reaffirmation of baptism ceremony at your church.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++

Would Jimi Hendrix approve of this app?

1/10/2012 2
Maybe he would set his IPAD on fire!

I'm not in love with Apple.  I have my reasons.

But don't get me wrong, I do recognize some of the strengths and merits of, let's say, the IPAD.  As a matter of fact I am addicted to a baseball game, and that makes the price of the IPAD worth every penny. ;)

Still, this looks like something worth checking out.  Has anyone used the IPAD to learn how to play an instrument?  Well, it seems you can, I suppose.  While I do not know how efficient this is, it looks good in theory.

Check out this video on the Ion Audio: Learn to Play Guitar, Keyboard and Drums on your IPAD

December's top posts

1/04/2012 0

Post-Christmas Wonder

1/04/2012 0

I remember our family's last Christmas in Edinburg--2004, I believe.  On Christmas Day we opened presents and enjoyed some time together. It was a lot of fun.  It did not last long, though.  Within an hour of unwrapping and sharing gifts we started taken the tree down, and finished some of the last bit of packing we had to do.  We were to be in Bandera by the first of the year.  Christmas came and went very quickly for our family that year. 

So, today, I thought I would feel bad posting Sunday's sermon late.  Usually, sermons go up Monday mornings.  But, considering the topic of the sermon, I think it is almost fitting to offer it now. 

Many of us have moved on from the Christmas lights and decorations.  We have either gotten some after-Christmas shopping done, or lamented that we have not.  Yes, Christmas is behind us.  But what about the wonder, amazement and joy?  That should never leave us.  This sermon invites you to keep Christ not just in Christmas, but in every other time of our life as well.  I realize how incredibly cheesy that sounds.  God, though, never told us to get all sentimental at Christmas, or that Jesus was only with us at Christmas.  God came to be with us always; that is what we celebrate at Christmas. 

Before you drink the last bit of eggnog or hurriedly send the kids back to school, make sure you ask God to help you keep the wonder of Christmas with you.

The title of this sermon is entitled Post-Christmas Wonder.  I was wondering: Do you get the Christmas blues?  Is Christmas a tough season for you?  If so, does this sermon have any particular meaning?  Like always, I would appreciate your input.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++