
That Was Great

Yesterday our church wrapped up our short, two-week time of testimony (Give God the Praise). In the end only two people shared, me and our Lay Leader. Three others who originally signed up were unable to share. I’m sure, though, we got the point across. We don’t have to be brought from up from the pains of drugs, alcohol or devil worshiping to claim to have a testimony; though those might be worthy of the name. Our “answer” (1Peter 3:15) can be our testimony. Being raised in a faithful home is something to thank God for. We can thank God for not having been addicted to drugs, spent time in prison or…..

So, I’m thankful we had that time and I’ve prayed we’ve learned the importance of living in thanksgiving to God. That was the intent.

The sermon from yesterday is the second testimony. Even if you don’t know the speaker I think you can appreciate the story and words. I included the special music that ended our time. It is “Another Hallelujah” by Lincoln Brewster. Great song. I think you’ll also appreciate listening to that as well. We added a third stanza, written especially for Oak Haven and the Give God the Praise time we had. The lyrics are:

God you’re worthy of our praise;
may your spirit fill this place
as we all are reminded of your love.
United now to boldly go,
assured that we are not alone.
Teach our hearts to know your hallelujah.

See it….praise….this place (our church)…reminded (stories told)….united & boldly (we are a church family prayerfully UNITED by the Holy Spirit, BOLDLY committed to sharing new life in Jesus Christ)…teach…hallelujah.

Also, we thanked God for the much needed rain and had our Back to School Celebration Saturday night. It was a lot of fun and 50+ people (not included church members) came and, I think, had a good time. Of course, all the kids loved the puppet and black light show (Thanks a ton Rudy!). Everyone also received an invitation to our next (4) events coming up (Fall Festival, Ham and Bean Dinner, Christmas Cantata and Christmas Eve Candlelight Service). That should keep us busy for the rest of the year. Not to mention Charge Conference, Bible study, Sunday evenings………..Stay blessed…john

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