another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Quick thought on the Bible's perspective

It is both liberating and difficult to consider how the Bible’s regard for humanity and religion differs from our modern interpretations. In contrast, it is easy, often convenient to forcefully assimilate scripture into our agendas and opinions. Itching ears and eager mouths can cloud God’s promises and prevent us from seeing life and faith how God intended. There is great reward, socially and personally, in attempting to peel back the limitations we place on the message of the Bible.

Prejudice and discrimination have no part in God’s plan for salvation outlined in the Bible. Yet, both have been used, and continue a shared employment, by Christians against other faith traditions and even other Christian understandings. In almost every course I have taken at Perkins the professor has begun the course by reviewing the syllabus, including a statement and discussion affirming the value of varying opinions, but emphasizing the need to respect others’ opinions. Why is that a constant element in a graduate program? Christian ethics people...

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