
16th Sunday After Pentecost

As promised, here is my first weekly Order of Worship. This order is what our church will use the following Sunday. We follow the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). Over the last six weeks or so we've had special inclusions in our services (baptism, etc); I've waited until I knew we didn't have anything outside of our usual service elements to post these. However, I can't promise you won't find some of those in the near future. You should be able to make sense of these when you see them. So, away we go:

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 20, 2009

UMH: United Methodist Hymnal
TFWS: The Faith We Sing

Choral Call to Worship Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus UMH #349

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude Humble Thyself TFWS #2131

Call to Worship (adapted from Psalm 1)
Leader: Many would say, "Sleep in on Sunday morning; this is your day to rest."
People: We do not follow that advice. Our delight is in the law of the Lord; on God’s law we will meditate day and night.
Leader: Following the Christ is not easy; there are no escapes from the pains of this world.
People: We are sure the Lord watches over the way of the righteous.

Hymn of Praise TFWS #

Opening Prayer
We are taught that your love and mercy, O God, is boundless and available to us all. There are times we cling to that promise ever so tightly. Also, we confess, there are times our actions or our inactions, our silence or our soapboxes keep others from knowing and experiencing the same love and mercy you offer to each of us. Forgive us now, we ask, and give us your good life; teach us to make peace, and to know the blessing of following in your ways. In Christ’s strong name we pray, Amen.


Affirmation of Faith A Modern Affirmation UMH #885

Epistle Reading James 3:13-4:3

Children’s Moments Which Controller?

Offering Together We Serve TFWS # 2175

Hymn of Preparation Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service UMH #581

Gospel Reading Mark 9:30-37

Special Music


Prayers of the People

Hymn of Dedication I Am Thine UMH #419

Choral Benediction God Be With You(1verse) UMH #672

Passing the Peace Let There Be Peace on Earth UMH #431

Hymn Bio: I Am Thine, O Lord

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