another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

something done

"The End" of someting is usually a big deal in our world. Have you ever known when something was going to end and the few weeks beforehand seemed to last forever? What is it about the end that creates all the emotions we tend to experience?

As I'm writing this we're heading into the final days of another semester. Believe me, I've been looking forward to this! It just got me thinking about how we handle the ends in life.

Do we really have ends, or does everything work together to continue a work in progress? We can't say "the end" happens when we die. As CHRISTians we believe death to be the ultimate beginning. Does life end then as we enter eternity, or was this life a preparation for what is to come?

See what a few moments of time to sit and write can produce. Yes, a mass form of confusion. Actually, I just wanted to give you something to think about. Perhaps we can talk about it soon. In the mean time I'm going to enjoy the END of the crying, looking back or remorse for me! Stay blessed...john

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