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Another Almighty

There's a new movie coming out in June called Evan Almighty. It looks to be a sort of sequel to Bruce Almighty. I haven't read any reviews or heard whether it's any good or not. We'll probably go see it. It comes out June 22nd.

A website called has launched and is a tool for churches to follow the theme of the movie--acts of kindness to others. Here is an exert from the website:

"Doing kind deeds for others isn’t a new phenomenon. Fourteen years ago, Pastor Steve Sjogren inspired thousands of people to engage in random acts of kindness in his ground-breaking book, Conspiracy of Kindness: A Refreshing New Approach to Sharing the Love of Jesus with Others. The book ignited a flurry of selfless, unexpected acts of kindness intended to help others understand God’s gift of love and grace to all people.

ArkALMIGHTY takes Sjogren’s ideas one step further by actively seeking out people in need and connecting them with those who are willing to help. Inspired by the themes in the upcoming film, Evan Almighty, ArkALMIGHTY seeks to follow God’s call for Christians to always do good - to friends, to neighbors, to family members, to strangers, even to those who don’t like us."

I haven't completely looked through it. Just on the surface it looks great. It's an idea that's been something a lot of churches have done a decent job at. I'm hopeful that this will perhaps springboard us into further ministry to others and from others as well. We'll see.

Stay blessed...john

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