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Some Words

I finished Max Lucado's book entitled The Applause of Heaven. Our Womens' Bible Study used this book and God's Psychiatry by Charles Allen to study the Beatitudes. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Allen's book is a small gem; I recommend it. Here are a couple of thoughts from Lucado's book I thought were worth repeating.

"Paul never took a course in missions. He never sat in on a committee meeting. He never read a book on church growth. He was just inspired by the Holy Spirit and punch-drunk on the love that makes the impossible possible: salvation."
"We would do well to learn a lesson from the rod, the rock and the saliva. They didn't complain. They didn't' questions God's wisdom. They didn't suggest an alternative plan. Perhaps the reason the Father has used so many inanimate objects for his mission is that they don't tell him how to do his job!"
It's an easy read. Someone probably has a copy you can pick up. Stay blessed...john