another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

I'm So Excited..!

No, I'm not singing the song.
I actually am exciting about some things going on in our church. Last night our Missions Committee met; this was only their 2nd meeting. We had a guest join us to help us explore some possibilities for community service and members shared ideas about some things we can do. All the ideas are being worked on and you should be hearing about some of these real soon. There was a lot of enthusiasm at the meeting.

The night before at Bible study there were several people seriously considering what they could do to promote more the values and benefits of Scripture to our communities.

I'm telling you; I've told you before. The sparks that flare when we involve ourselves in CHRISTian education and mission can be very powerful. They are very contagious.

I am very excited about what I think God is preparing for our congregation. Be careful!

Stay blessed...john

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