another john dot com

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Two things to remember

Judges 6:1-10

God heard the cry of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 3:7). That sparked the exodus, the crossing of the sea and the ultimate entrance into the promised land. When God heard the people, the Lord sent Moses to lead them out of their oppression. Since Moses often spoke on behalf of God to the people, it's appropriate to consider him a prophet.

God would hear the cry of the people again. This time, Midian was their oppressor. The "Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the east" made life unbearable for the Israelites (Judges 6:3). In their impoverishment, "the Israelites cried out to the Lord for help" (6:6). And you know what God did. God heard and sent a prophet to them.

This time, though, things were different. Moses went with a message to Pharaoh to free the people for worship. The prophet God sent in the Midianite agitation didn't speak to any king or ruler. He spoke to the people. His message was two-fold.

First, they were to remember what God had done for them. Specifically, they were to recall God's deliverance from Egypt and God's claiming. In other words, remember what God had done. What a helpful way to pray and listen to God. To remember, not with platitudes but with exact reciting of, God's activity. How has God saved you? When did the Lord speak to your heart? Remember those experiences well.

The second element of the prophet's message to the people was to remember what they had done. Again, notice the specificity. It would've been easy to say the people fell short, but that's too generic. Instead, the prophet recounted God's instruction the people ignored.

To make this simple, as you seek God's renewal, remember two things: What God has done and what you have done.

Give thanks for what the Lord has done. Repent for what you have done, or not done. Both acknowledgements affirm our need for God's grace and point us back toward God's purpose.

Stay blessed...john

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