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In this together


In this together
Hebrews 11:29-12:2

Not alone we conquer,
Not alone we fall;
In each loss or triumph
Lose or triumph all.

Bound by God’s far purpose
In one living whole,
Move we on together
To the shining goal!

That's the final stanza of the hymn Forward Through the Ages. Notice the unity theme. God's church isn't just a grouping of people. She is God's living, loving movement. As a part of God's church, your life victories are yours. But they are ours as well. We're there to celebrate and rejoice with you. Your failures are yours, but we share them with you. We don't think less of you after a loss. We're grateful you trust us enough to allow us to experience your pain and missteps.

This is an attitude of the heart, but also a connection of will and purpose. Move we on together towards holiness and perfection. Our faith tells us we can't attain perfection ourselves. We do so only with God's help. Likewise, we can't pursue perfection ourselves. We need the prayerful support of other Christians.

The book of Hebrews looked to the past for this kind of encouragement. Some consider Hebrews to be a sermon. It makes sense if it is. Particularly when you read a passage like today's.

The writer calls to mind several biblical examples of faith and trust. You've read about them. You've heard their stories before. The preacher's call is to think about the faith of those people and not just their stories. Among those examples of faith you can identify, there are others you don't know by name. They're left nameless with only their experience of faith left to history.

You can almost hear the preacher's raised voice. She's pleading with listeners. Let the faith of yesterday's saints increase your faith today. Preach, preacher!

But the preacher doesn't only look to the past. The great cloud of witnesses inspires us to look to the future. And when I say us, I mean us. Not just you. Not just me. "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" (Hebrews 12:1). You don't run a race backwards. You look ahead to your goal. So,  with Spirit's help, move we on together thanking God for the faithful witnesses of yesterday that have shaped our faith. And grateful for those that encourage us today.

Stay blessed...john

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