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The same boat


The same boat
Romans 2:1-11

It's helpful to distinguish the difference between judging and making judgement calls. Judging mandates a future only God can control. Judgment calls see current circumstances for what they are.

Christians often get accused of being judgmental. To be fair, we've both probably known those kinds of Christians. They're always sure of what's in everyone else's heart. They know what God wants to do to every other person. Of course, the Lord is overwhelmingly gracious with them. That grace, though, finds its limits, apparently, in who other people are.

Judging, then, is placing yourself in God's chair, so to speak. Only God is judge over our lives. And God judges according to truth (Romans 2:2). When we live to point out everyone's flaws and determine their eternal destinies, we, eventually, lose sight that we're in the same boat. We have the same kinds of attitudes in our hearts. It's an easy task to overly concern yourself with the sins of others while forgetting your own.

Making a judgement call is something different. I'm not even sure that's the best label for it. You'll notice if you read Romans 1 and 2, Paul calls out evil behavior. And he is sure that those who continually practice such things are "storing up wrath" for themselves (2:6). Doesn't that sound awfully judgy?

There's a larger point to Paul's argument. He's writing to a people who rely too much on their religious heritage. Many Jews saw themselves as superior to other believers. Plainly, they passed judgement on Gentiles for being Gentiles. All the while, they ignored their own shortcomings.

If the church was going to fulfill its mission, Paul needed to testify to the vileness of what was happening. So, he made those judgement calls. He called out the evil behavior that was so evident. He didn't say those evildoers could never find grace--that would be judging. But in calling out the evildoing he opened the door to repentance for everyone. And that's the difference we're looking for.

The riches of God's kindness and the forbearance and patience of God keep us all in the same boat. Yes, when we see evil behavior, we can call it out. But not just other's behaviors. Remember what Jesus said about avoiding the log in your own eye while calling out the speck in your brother's eye. 

Stay blessed...john

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