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A changed mind


A changed mind
Psalm 73:1-20

As a kid, TV sitcoms convinced me there was a devilish, red version of me sitting on one of my shoulders. Sometimes, he made a case that could lure me to do what I knew I shouldn't. Not to worry, though, because the other shoulder carried my angelic counterpart. He wasn't always as fun, but I knew he gave better advice. Of course, I've relied less on TV religion as I've gotten older. I've learned it's the Holy Spirit that guides and inspires us to become holier versions of ourselves.

Part of the Spirit's role is to uncover God's image within us.

In that process, the Holy Spirit might direct us to do and not do certain things. We mature as we learn to do more of what might not come naturally to us. Giving, for example, stretches my compassion for others and my trust in God. The Spirit moves me to give when I don't want to give. Likewise, the Spirit teaches us to discipline ourselves. This training keeps us from doing things that move us away from holiness.

But the Holy Spirit also helps us change our minds. And that's true repentance.

A changed mind brings a new perspective. And if we're going to understand God's kingdom, we'll need those new thoughts. To recognize the upheaval of God's actions, we'll need new vision. We'll need new attitudes and mindsets, as did the psalmist.

The "prosperity of the wicked" bothered him, almost causing him to slip up (Psalm 73:2-3). He couldn't stop thinking about how they lived their lives. They live carefree and unburdened by life. Their pride made him question his own integrity. "Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure," he said (73:13). Every day this bothered him, "till I entered the sanctuary of God" (73:17).

God changed his perspective. The wicked have a future the psalmist wants no part of. His new perspective replaced his "embittered" spirit with an assurance of God's goodness. "It is good to be near God" (73:28). This new mindset made all the difference for him.

So, pray for a changed mind. A changed attitude. A changed heart. As you experience those changes, you'll recognize God's holiness dwelling within you. And what you should or shouldn't do becomes more clear.

Stay blessed...john

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