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Already answered prayers

 Psalm 73:21-28

The apostle Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). That's because we don't know what we should pray for. And he was probably right. I've prayed for certain things to happen before. When something else, something better came out of the situation, it was obvious I had been praying for the wrong thing. But I was praying. That counts for something because of Spirit's work.  

Let me share with you some things Christians pray that you might've heard before. Christians pray for God to be with us. They pray for God to be good. I pray every week for God to hear the prayers of the church. Of course, those aren't wasted prayers. They mean something to us. But those are also promises of God.  

God is good (Matthew 19:17). We already know God's presence is always with us (Matthew 28:20). And the Lord has promised to hear our praying (1 Peter 3:12). You don't have to pray for those things to be true. They are.  

The psalmist offered one of these already-answered prayers. He said, "I have made the Lord God my refuge."  

No, you didn't. God is our refuge.  

Through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord said, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit" (Jeremiah 17:7-8).  

The psalmist didn't make God his refuge. None of us can make God anything. What he did was acknowledge what God already promised. Same difference? Perhaps. After all, the psalmist praised God and was now ready to tell of God's work. But that's the experiential aspect we shouldn't miss. There's a difference in how we pray when we know something about God and when we experience something with God.  

Please don't misunderstand me. Pray as you can. Don't be discouraged. The Holy Spirit is interceding for you. You can pray for those already-answered prayers. But also learn to pray and trust as if you've already experienced God's presence. Pray with the experience of having God as your refuge and peace.  

As you do, you'll notice more what those already answered prayers mean for our walk with God.

Stay blessed...john

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