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A "Quiet" Morning

Well, VBS is all done (whewwww). It's always a lot of fun, but it's always a lot of work as well. Watching the little ones do their motions to the songs they learn and listening to them retell the stories they have heard is a blessing. We'll post the VBS video in the next couple of days.

I was in the chapel this morning. As I sat there in the quiet, my attention was directed to one of the stained-glass windows. The image was that of a dove with an olive leaf in it's mouth. The imagination kicked in as I thought about what that experience must have been like (Noah and the ark). By the way, we watched Evan Almighty on Friday with some of our youth group members. I'd recommend it. Anyways, all these thoughts about smells, dirty sandals, no quiet that I would think would have to be a part of taking care of that many animals came to mind. Just for the added effect, it began to rain outside and you could hear the drops bouncing off the roof. Thanks God for the silent moment to think about your words.

I'm trying to rediscover the power of quietness. By coincidence, of course (wink, wink) I have been reading The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers; I'm not finished with it just yet, but I'm sure I'm going to recommend you read it. Almost on purpose, at the beginning of the book, the author speaks of the importance Mr. Rogers placed on silence, and the things that can happen when we are silent. Her description of his thoughts impressed me. I'll leave that thought with you; praying it will bless your faith. Stay blessed...john

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