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another one from home

the title on this one is catches your attention. There's some sermon illustrations in here somewhere. complete with safety tips for all motorists. Here's a piece of the article:
Motorcycle accidents involving “born again” riders — those age 40 or older who are coming back to transportation on two wheels after years driving family sedans — continue to rise, officials said this week.

“Born agains” are motorcyclists who rode 20 years ago or so ago but who gave up the practice to marry and raise a family, said Clifton Burdette, motorcycle safety coordinator for the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Once their children are grown, they decide to hit the trail once more and invest a lot of money in their new motorcycles, he said.

Unfortunately, many of them have forgotten what they knew back in the day — and they aren’t volunteering to take refresher courses.
Here's the article:'Born-again' bikers raising accident rates
stay blessed...john

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