another john dot com

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I got my BuzzKill t-shirt at Annual Conference this past week. The cost is $20; half of that goes to buying a net. I've featured Nothing But Nets on the blog before, but I'm sure it won't offend anyone if I do it again today. Here's the link to the Nothing But Nets website and to Cokesbury's site to order a t-shirt.

Nothing But Nets
Cokesbury BuzzKill t-shirts
To help meet this goal, The United Methodist Church has created a t-shirt to allow you to contribute toward sending nets to Africa, and to help educate others about this global health threat. Each purchase buys and distributes an insecticide-treated bed net to a family in need in Africa and provides education on its proper use to prevent malaria. And, you get a BuzzKill t-shirt turns you into a walking advertisement for the Nothing But Nets campaign every time you wear it, and encourages others to do the same.
Stay blessed...john

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