
Another Day @ The Office

I'm at one of the hospitals in San Antonio Sunday night to see one of our members; I've only been to this particular hospital a couple of times. Now, me and hospitals don't always see eye-to-eye. I'm mainly the problem because I have a habit of getting lost in them--they don't like that---neither do I! The usual volunteers weren't there during my visit this time to direct me where I needed to go.

I wondered around the hallways for a few minutes looking for anyone who could help with patient information. I wondered around the hallways for a few minutes patiently looking for anyone with information. As I came around a corner I noticed a young woman whose eye I had caught. Only Heaven knows if she was trying to be discreet our not--she was not at all. While I'd love to confirm your assumptions, that yes, this is something I am used to , I must tell you I felt rather awkward. There were no windows to fake look out of. I inadvertently found my way to where she was; I don't think there was any question about that. So, I couldn't pretend I knew where I was going and that I needed to head back the other way--you know like to my other adoring fans. There was no escape.

As I approached her I noticed she had some baggage, and a tight grip on something in her hand. That item was what had drawn her to me. Well, not to me, but to the clergy collar she noticed fashioned around my neck. Unashamed, bold and almost demanding she asked me to bless her rosary. I told her that I would be happy to share a prayer with her, and that I wasn't sure it would sound the same as what she might be used to from her pastor or priest. No problem. She told me about her young son who was not doing well at all. He had already been there for several days, and things were not looking good at all. We spent several moments before God there in the hallway. We even shared a couple of tears. She assured me that even through all this she would do her best to seek God and to stay strong in her faith.

I share that with you to remind you of the calling we all have. You may not wear a clergy collar--they are easier to put on than a tie!--but you are called to the life of ministry. If could be that of prayer, it could be other service. Whatever it is, do not neglect your work/place in the building of the kingdom. If you would, please pray with me for that young woman and her family--we will likely never know of her circumstance again, but we know whose care she is in.

Healing Lord, you offer to us great peace--your peace. In your wisdom you arranged for Christ's sacrifice to be for our redemption. For your peace, wisdom and love we give you thanks. Allow us the opportunities to share these gifts with others. Allow for us to use your message to bring hope to those who are hurting; it is for those we pray now. In Christ's name. Amen.

Stay blessed...john

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