another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Why do I always do this?

Okay, I’m ready to say the church website is up and running. It has been online for a few weeks, but incomplete. As far as I can tell, everything is okay—at least everything works as it was designed to. I am using Blogger as the platform. That limits some of what we are able to do, but for now, and probably for a while, it will be totally sufficient. Another reason I went this route was the ease of Blogger. I’ll be looking for someone to maintain the site eventually; if you can run a word processor you can work Blogger (yes, this means you….or you). So, I’ll live with the limitations while enjoying the ability to tell someone, “It’s easy to do.”

Everything on the site is pretty basic. At this point it’s all informational. I think it answers most questions someone might have about our church. That’s what it was intended for. Later I’ll look to add more interactive elements. Who knows what that will mean, but we’ll see when we get there.

So, give it a whirl. Tell me what you think. What should I adjust, erase, or respell? Come on you know you can be honest. That’s
Stay blessed…john

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