
Just 10 More Minutes

It’s one of life’s little great gifts. Well, at least for me. Some people must have their first cup of coffee, some aren’t the same without reading the paper, but some, like me, just need “ten more minutes.” Oh what a difference the little snooze button can make—that little ingenious source of renewal and sloth. Of course, too much of a good thing can’t always be a good thing. It is possible to abuse the power of the snooze and find yourself already behind the schedule for the day (not to say that has ever happened to me).

In our faith life, safe to say, we tend to put things off. What do I mean? Sometimes we figure we’ll find the right time to start reading the Bible, or perhaps tonight will be a better time to pray. Unfortunately, many times, those things get postponed. If there were a snooze button for faith maybe that would be a little more obvious, or we could move the clock further away to make us get up. But there isn’t and we can’t. We can, however, decide now is the time to start (or restart). So, your ten minutes are up…wake up!

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