another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.


One can dream, right? What if everyone listened to pastors the way they listened to weathermen? No, I’m not jealous, but those lucky weathermen get three slots in a news program and are welcomed every 5-7 minutes on any given talk radio station. They may not always be accurate with the rain predictions, but we want to hear what they have to tell us. One thing they do that I like is to tell the wind chill factor. While the current temperature may be accurate, it’s the wind chill factor that lets us know what the weather is really like.

The wind chill has to be factored into a weather report because you can’t ignore its presence. In the Bible we are shown ways the Holy Spirit moves. As believers in Christ our lives are a presentation to the world of God’s work. You and I may not always feel up to that task. That’s why we look to the Spirit to guide us. It’s the Spirit that helps us show the world what our God is really like. Your life may not include all sunny days, but you are promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. How’s that forecast?

Stay blessed...john

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