another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Working with the UMM

Okay, I want you all to give it up for my United Methodist Men. The other night we had our monthly meeting. You may recall how I feel about regular meetings (necessary evil, thorn in my side, etc). This was different. The meeting did drag on a bit initially; the food was great, though!

I will gladly let you remind me that with larger groups attendance percentages tend to drop. Now, you know I don't play around with numbers and try to pad and all that. We were missing (4) men from our church at the meeting the other night. One is still pretty new and we weren't sure if he was aware of the gathering (shall we say an area for improvement?), another we think just forgot since he is a regular attendee. The third gentleman had been traveling to San Antonio and the final member usually works evenings. In other words, the overwhelming majority of our church's men were in attendance, even a few that had yet to go since I've been here--in all there were 12 of us.

The best part is we got over the drag mentioned earlier. We are going to host our first pancake supper and begin raising money to benefit Irving schools either in the summer or at back-to-school time. It just took a little shaking up. I can't tell you how excited I was after that meeting. You'll be hearing more, for sure! Stay blessed...john

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