another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

New Order

After a week of great Eagle football, a bowl game and time with out-of-town friends and family, things in our house are beginning to get back to that thing people call normal. I won’t begin classes for two more weeks; so, things are completely on track, yet.

This week we are making adjustments to our order of worship (dramatic music, please). There are some things that I’ve felt would benefit our time in worship. It shouldn’t be too traumatic. I know, I know. “You’re supposed to wait a whole year before you make any changes.” You have to be a little flexible in this ministry gig and know when things need to be done. I can’t do gymnastics anymore, but I am able to bend on a few things when the timing is right, and now is a good time, I think [/grin].

Just to prove to you just how flexible and easy going I can be: Since Gloria and I have been making the bulletins there has been some type of error every week. I’ve messed up usher groups, hymn numbers have been wrong and last week the “c Choir” sang an anthem instead of our usual Choir. Despite all that I still have great hair and all is well. Isn’t God good? To that, the people say…

P.S. Funny thing. We’re were, of course, watching the Eagles game last week. As Gloria and the girls were doing some bead project or something, Nathan and I went from football to slot cars. Returning from a commercial break, the station, as they typically will, showed footage of some of the cheerleaders. Nathan noticed, and with a smile on his face tugged at me and said, “Dad, look. Girls!” That was a sweet moment only because it was just Christmas afternoon that Brittani put up her first poster with some creepy little boys on them. Okay, they’re not creepy, just boys.

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