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An usher's usher

In late February our church will have its first usher training in as long as anyone can’t remember. At the very least the ushers we have now have not been trained, and they’ve been pretty faithful with their job for quite a while. Of course I said I would lead the training.

So, I’ve been putting together some material. Do any of you have any good or bad usher stories? You know like the time the head usher….? Most of my usher stories are pretty boring and usual. There was the time Gloria and I asked an usher about scholarship information. It was at …. UMC in ….., TX. We were both in school (no kids, yet) and had been going to the church for a while and happened to see material (don’t recall what it was) for a student scholarship. We asked and not only got the run around, and never really found out anything, but were ultimately advised there would be no way it would be available to us. Read as much as you want into that.

Anyways. I’m looking for suggestions as well. What do you believe makes someone a great usher? Provide some characteristics or names if I know them. The greatest I’ve met was Mr. Wilke in Edinburg. He’d never serve on a committee, but he’d do anything else you would ask him. He knew, and probably still does, how to make anyone feel like they belonged there in church. Don’t let me get off track.

Help me out if you can. Stay blessed..john

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