another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

I'm a Spinach Eating Cowboy

Okay, that title is the furthest thing from the truth. I hate spinach and I have never seen a cowboy wear baggy jeans with his hat slightly tilted. However, I do live in the Cowboy Capital of the World and yesterday I visited the Spinach Capital of the World.

I visited FUMC there as part of the internship I have with our conference. My understanding from previous conversations was that I would have to be there a full weekend. So, when the pastor called me Saturday evening (evening!) and told me what he wanted me to do, I was a little surprised. But I made the two hour trip (driving Christian, of course).

The church is a small membership church. If you know anything about the history of Crystal City you will begin to understand why. The sanctuary is very nice and even has balcony seating. I didn't get a chance to play on the new drums that were donated, but I did reunite with one of the boys from the summer camp I attended several weeks ago. Overall, I enjoyed my time there. I walked up and down the streets of the city passing out flyers and talking to people. The evening was spent with a group of (30) teenagers and adults sharing hot dogs and playing silly games (what could be better!).

It seems the church had some disappointing chain of events leading them to yesterday. This evening event was supposed to be a big community outreach. They had received into their church a young man (who happened to be from Galveston) who was beginning to bring in some change with music and energy. He left for another position in a different city and others who had worked with him did as well. Some of the original plans for their evening activities had taken a step backwards--at least that was the impression I was given.

However, that did not stop them from doing what they feel they were called to do, and do it with joy. How quickly we can lose our enthusiasm when our numbers are down or when we don't have the perfect meeting pan out. Its almost impossible to be disappointed with good turnouts, positive feedback and great "results." But what do we feel when those aren't a part of the outcome?

I say be joyful in hope, patient in afflictions and faithful in prayer. And keep working! Stay blessed...john

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