another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

I Miss my bed!

7/29/2008 0
Pastor's Log. Stardate July 29 2008:
After spanning more than (1,200) miles over the weekend, attending a Nazarene wedding, Lutheran funeral and Methodist worship services we are home. I'll fill you in on some of the details shortly.

In memory of all the sitting we've endured the past few days:

We all know...

7/22/2008 0

A day with the dentist

7/22/2008 0
You know I love stand-up. Here is a classic. In honor of Gloria's dentist appointment this morning:

I'm a Spinach Eating Cowboy

7/21/2008 0
Okay, that title is the furthest thing from the truth. I hate spinach and I have never seen a cowboy wear baggy jeans with his hat slightly tilted. However, I do live in the Cowboy Capital of the World and yesterday I visited the Spinach Capital of the World.

I visited FUMC there as part of the internship I have with our conference. My understanding from previous conversations was that I would have to be there a full weekend. So, when the pastor called me Saturday evening (evening!) and told me what he wanted me to do, I was a little surprised. But I made the two hour trip (driving Christian, of course).

The church is a small membership church. If you know anything about the history of Crystal City you will begin to understand why. The sanctuary is very nice and even has balcony seating. I didn't get a chance to play on the new drums that were donated, but I did reunite with one of the boys from the summer camp I attended several weeks ago. Overall, I enjoyed my time there. I walked up and down the streets of the city passing out flyers and talking to people. The evening was spent with a group of (30) teenagers and adults sharing hot dogs and playing silly games (what could be better!).

It seems the church had some disappointing chain of events leading them to yesterday. This evening event was supposed to be a big community outreach. They had received into their church a young man (who happened to be from Galveston) who was beginning to bring in some change with music and energy. He left for another position in a different city and others who had worked with him did as well. Some of the original plans for their evening activities had taken a step backwards--at least that was the impression I was given.

However, that did not stop them from doing what they feel they were called to do, and do it with joy. How quickly we can lose our enthusiasm when our numbers are down or when we don't have the perfect meeting pan out. Its almost impossible to be disappointed with good turnouts, positive feedback and great "results." But what do we feel when those aren't a part of the outcome?

I say be joyful in hope, patient in afflictions and faithful in prayer. And keep working! Stay blessed...john

ATM Ooops

7/14/2008 0

Equipping the Saints

7/14/2008 0
I have begun the process of packing the office--pray for me! The big problem for me is as I'm going through folders and books I start reading and writing on or about what I'm supposed to be packing. That doesn't help me in my quest for a packing time world record.

In October 2003 I graduated from being an exploring candidate to a declared candidate for ministry. One of the items I came across was a letter written to my PPRC (our church hasn't promoted the SPRC thing too much) seeking a recommendation from them to continue in the candidacy process. With that letter was an Inventory of Religious Activities and Interests form. This was from a test, which I took (2) weeks after the letter (funny how things roll along), that measured my (a candidate's) interests in various ministerial roles--as the title might suggest. Here is how I scored:
Very High interests in these 2 areas: Evangelist and Spiritual Guide
Moderately High interests in these 4 areas: Administrator, Teacher, Preacher, Priest
Average interests in these 2 areas:counselor, scholar
Moderately Low interests in this 1 area: reformer
Very Low interests in this 1 area: Musician

The music thing, as I recall, did trouble me at first. I've always wanted to play music, but the description is for someone "directing a local church music program." So, no thank you to that!

As I look at where I am right now, those categories, for good or for bad, are still pretty accurate. I was surprised at the administrator role. I can fake good administration (if you didn't know that, then viola! it worked). But I've always considered myself more of a teacher than a lot of things. Prior to receiving the call to ministry, my mind was set towards a career in teaching. I love it!

In Mission I was a substitute teacher for (2) years. What I hated about that job was the busy work teachers would leave. Most times I would venture into whatever topics the class had been covering and listen to what the students had learned so far. It was easy to determine what a teacher wanted students to learn and how they wanted to teach it, so I could build off cues and offer my own input (where appropriate and needed). Of course, knowing other subs, and having so many in school myself, I wouldn't blame teachers for not wanting a sub to do what I would. Imagine spending days and weeks teaching students something and bam! one day some goober (i said it) throws that out the window.

Anyways, if you haven't already, try the Spiritual Gift survey from the UMC. Since I've never taken it I couldn't tell you exactly how it is formatted or anything. Give it a try and let me know what you think. If you already have, click on comments below and give us some info. Do these inquiries provide useful information for you?

Stay blessed...john

That Was Then...

7/12/2008 0
this is from now on:

I've Been Listening to Them for 17 Years?

7/11/2008 1
It didn't turn out to be a normal date. Actually, Gloria and I felt like we were in high school again. One thing Mom always said, "You can take your sister(s)." So, on many of our outings as a couple we had 1-4 kids with us. When we went to see Boyz II Men last night (7.10.08) we had Nathan with us. At times I couldn't decide what was louder: the music blaring from the speakers about 20 feet from us or Nathan yelling in my ear "Is this their last song?!"

We had a good time. When they song this song, the guys threw roses out to the crowd. I missed the one Wanya threw at Gloria as it flew about 2 inches over my hands.

But all was not lost. Shawn instructed everyone to take out their cell phones and give Mama a call while they sang this song. After some convincing, I got Shawn to get my phone and sing his part to my mom. She thought that was great.

Of course, later I had to call my sisters and brother and offer to them more convincing testimony that I am the favorite child. A gentleman sitting behind me, Mr. Tommy Teal, offered his business card. He had taken a picture of the exchange and said he would email it. I'm still in the process of receiving that.

Nathan eventually got his cotton candy and rode Bug's White Water Rapids; so, all was well in the universe again.

Bible Genealogy

7/11/2008 0
So, you've been asked to be liturgist. As your worst fear would be, you get a reading with a bunch of names you're not sure how to pronounce. In this situation feel free to take the advice I have given to all our liturgists facing this "wish it happened to (fill in name)last week" traumatic event: Read it like you know how to say it.

Don't take a pause for breath right before you say it. Don't try to muffle your way through it. Don't give the first three letters, quit and say "him." And please don't say it, look back at me and ask if you got it right.

Nine out ten people will not know the difference and offer a compliment to you. Well, this turned out to be an instructional post. All I wanted to do was show you a website I came across: Complete Bible Genealogy.

Forgive me if I haven't fact checked every name, but it does claim 3087 biblical characters. From the website:
Shortly after beginning to read the Bible you may have found it difficult to keep track of all the different names. Perhaps you’ve tried to write out how everyone is connected, but even before finishing Genesis, found the list had already become far too long.

Now however Complete Bible Genealogy provides a list of all the names and relationships, which you can use as a reference or as an addition to your Bible studies so you no longer need to worry about who’s who in the Bible.

The secondary purpose of this site is to encourage those who hesitate to read the Bible because of the many names. Our hope is to help people overcome this obstacle and help them to make it easier to start reading God's word.

Stay blessed...john

Read This (well, this too, but I mean the book).

7/11/2008 1

This book is making its way around our church. It was passed on to me as "something John's gotta read." I wouldn't usually take time to read something like this. Its not anything negative about reading memoirs, novels or anything like that. Actually, reading is difficult for me, and since it is, if its not a textbook or required reading for a class, I will usually only focus on material that is more church/ministry related.

That said, I'm really glad I read this book. It is the true story of faith for two men and how God brought their friendship together. While many of you may not think of your story in the same kind of way, for me it was a simple reminder of how God can/does work in each of our lives. The outcomes can be astounding when we render ourselves to God's will and work.

Two different worlds came together--think of the struggles and barriers that can get in the way--in an unexpected way. We're given the story in both men's words. Both men provide their background and how they got to the point of knowing each other; there experiences differing so much. Its funny to hear them retell memories of same events from their own perspectives.

Faith, healing, assurance, acceptance and service were all concepts that darted my heart as I continued reading. A lot of it has to do with so much of the things I have wanted to teach our church (youth and adults). I'll tell you my favorite part of the book after you read it as to not spoil anything. Actually, favorite is the wrong word, but the moment that I still recall weeks after finishing it.

My only criticism, if you can call it that, of the book has to do with the pictures. About half way, I suppose, there are a few pages of pictures of the people from the book. There I was following along and then, out of no where, I was shown a picture that clearly predicted events to come. I would have rather not known or had that thought in my mind as I continued on. So, I'll give you the same advice I gave Gloria, don't look at the pictures until after you have finished.

Go to the library or ask around the church (someone's got it right now) and take a few days to read it. Your heart'll thank you. Click "comments" below to share your thoughts. Stay blessed...john

First Day of Last

7/09/2008 0
Today begins my last class at UTSA. Of course, I'm still interning at the conference office, but that's been kind of slow. Actually, now that I'll be in San Antonio everyday, I'll be able to be at there more.

Keep me in your prayers as we prepare for the move. I have no idea what to pack first in my office (though I already kind of went through that before), and on top of that I still have several weekend trips that need to be made. Time can make a crunch sound on you. I'm sure there will be time for blogging. One cannot use a new layout and not post new things!

Tomorrow, however, will be a nice day. Gloria and I will be attending a Boyz II Men concert at Six Flags. They're the best and we'll enjoy ourselves.

Heard any good news lately? Stay blessed...john

Pictures Worth Sharing

7/09/2008 0

Blog Changes Soon

7/08/2008 0
It was a year ago in May The Blog That Ties switched over to the Blogger platform and got a new look. So, in what looks to be, so far, like a yearly tradition, there will be some layout changes in the next few days. You might notice the use of labels; I had to go back a do that for each post since I hadn't done a good job up until now.

I'm still looking for that picture to keep on the header. I'll be on the lookout for something appropriately inappropriate for the blog.

Bear with me and let me know what issues you may come across with the new layout. Stay blessed...john

The Man Cold

7/08/2008 0

Satn's Interview

7/07/2008 0