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Catapult moments

Acts 9:26-31

When the Lord allowed Moses to see the land given to the Israelites, Moses asked God to appoint a new leader. His successor, Joshua, would be someone "who shall go out before them and come in before them" (Numbers 27:17). In scripture, that is a sign of leadership and authority. The young king, Solomon, asked God for "wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people" (2 Chronicles 1:10). In the 1 Kings 3 version of that story, Solomon says he doesn't know how to come in and go out. Presumably, he knew how to use a door. What he didn't know was how to lead.

And in the New Testament, the early apostles affirmed Paul as a new disciple. So much so that "he went in and out among them" (Acts 9:28). That was important because there were disciples who questioned Paul's presence, understandably. Quickly, though, Paul became an authority figure in the church. His personal testimony and ability to speak "boldly in the name of the Lord" catapulted him into leadership. As a result, in a few sentences, disciples went from fearing Paul to helping him escape death.

Many of us will have catapult moments. They may not be as quick for some of us as for others. But a transition happens. That may mean you find yourself, like Paul, in a leadership role. The church asks you to come in and out to further the mission of Jesus. As far as we can tell, Paul didn't ask for his position. Others recognized something in him. You may not feel prepared for that, but neither did, apparently, Solomon.

Or you become a part of the work in a different way. You go from being fearful of what may be to actually being a part of what is happening. Those disciples who helped Paul escape may have shaped not just church history but world history. When you respond to God's calling, who knows the impact your ministry might have!

Stay blessed...john


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