Reading your Bible daily is a luxury many Christians have not had. Even today. More than half of the world's languages don't have a complete Bible translation. I'm convinced we take for granted the gift we have of the biblical text.
You and I have access to every translation of the Bible available. We can choose the prettiest covers or the font size that helps you see better. You can buy a Bible at the dollar store or do a Google search for "premium Bibles" and spend hundreds of dollars.
All that, and biblical literacy continues to decline.
To be fair, reading any kind of book doesn't excite a lot of people. Kids are reading less, as are adults. Men seem to be the least likely to read.
Thankfully, illiteracy has never impeded the Holy Spirit. Please do not misunderstand me. I want you to learn to love the Bible. Love it enough to read it and know it. But let's reflect on a scene from Acts 13 to appreciate our relationship with scripture.
Paul and "his companions" were at a synagogue in Antioch. The people worshiped there and had heard "the reading of the Law and the Prophets" (Act 13:15). Afterwards, someone asked Paul for an exhortation. Paul retold the history of God's people that led to Israel's Savior, Jesus. Part of that story, of course, was the people's rejection of Jesus. Paul said Jesus' opponents didn't understand "the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath" (13:27).
Every Sabbath, the people of God heard scripture. But they didn't see what God was leading them toward. Paul reminded the people that day who had just heard the Law and the Prophets that it's easy to not hear. You and I gather weekly to hear scripture proclaimed. Whether you've read your Bible or not, it can still be easy for us to not hear as well.
What happens to our hearing when you're not there? As a church family, we can't fully hear what God is speaking to us when we have better things to do than gather for worship.
Oh, this is another note about the gift of reading the Bible and having personal devotions. But it's also a reminder that God speaks to us in the reading and hearing of scripture together. Let's hear the Spirit drawing us to Jesus.
Stay blessed...john |
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