"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That's the singsong lie we repeated as kids. I don't recall how much we ever believed that or not. But I'm sure we knew the truth. Words can hurt. They do hurt. They hurt us as children who get made to feel unworthy or unloved. And they sting the ego and confidence of many adults just the same.
And yet we know words can bring life as well. After all, we are a people that cling to the words of God. Christians affirm with joy "The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God!"
Today's reading offers a two-fold reminder for us about words. First, the words that hang over our lives can be of great burden. How often do we hold on to a snide remark someone made years ago? A comment they soon forgot or even, perhaps, meant little by? Greater still is the pain of the intentional insults that come our way. Or the steady dose of verbal abuse.
The psalmist cried to the Lord, "Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue" (Psalm 120:2). Lying lips carry hurtful words. And not merely hurt-my-feelings hurt. But an agony that impacts who someone is. Can you imagine the psalmist's deep anguish over having to defend himself repeatedly? To, day after day, listen to baseless accusation after accusation?
Still, the psalmist tried. He sought peace. He tried to speak peace. It isn't always that simple, but it is always that important. His words of peace weren't moving the needle of war amongst those against him. So, he prayed. And I imagine he kept speaking peace.
Hurtful words are all around us. Lord knows we do not need more mouthpieces for lies and slander. No, we need people who will speak peace. As difficult as it may be. As hurtful as waring words may be. Peace is not the option. It is the way.
Stay blessed...john |
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