
My New Favorite Website

I began this blog with hopes that it would help my church family better understand what goes through my mind Monday through Saturday.  Some posts have fared better than others.  Well, where I have fallen short in my efforts, others have pulled through for me.  Specifically, I’m referring to a website that I recently came across.  

And I know you’ll love the title, too: EV'RY DAY I'M PASTORIN'...

If you’ve ever wondered what makes your pastor tick, I think this website might help.  Find out what your pastors do when they try on vestments.  Feel their surprise when they hear the word “liturgy” in public.  Watch the development of their weekly sermon preparation.

You may not enjoy this website the way I do; I think I’ve checked it every day this week.  But I think you might appreciate it a bit.  Let me know what you think.  Stay blessed...john

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