
Discussion amongst daughters

Little Man wanted to have some time at the ball park for his birthday.  So, the Fletcher Five got their gloves and bats and went to the field.  It wasn't as hot as it has been lately, but it was hot.  I wasn't the only one sweating!  We played for quite some time.  We chased balls, got each other out and ran the bases several times.  There was minimal complaining and no family cheating, mostly.

After a couple of runs around the field I was due for a break.  Sue me.

Ashlei and Brittani joined me and we took a few moments to catch our breath.  Ashlei came a few seconds behind us because she went to get her water bottle.  Oh, that water bottle looked so good.  No one else brought any.  Sweat poured down my face, while water, sweet cold water, bubbled and chugged for her.  She loves me; I know this.  So, I asked for a drink, or two.  Brittani tried to get some as well.  Lovingly, kindly and funly (?) Ashlei said she couldn't do it!

Brittani became our advocate.  "I bet Jesus would give us some," she told the water hogger. "Jesus helped people, Ashlei," was her conclusion.

Ashlei took one more drink, which by this time I think was a little more flauntingly than before.   "Yes," she said with watered lips, "but he also told us about the ten bridesmaids.  Some of them were prepared and some weren't.  I was and you both weren't."


So, both of my daughters are paying attention to scripture.  I was so proud of both of them.  They each recognized something they had been taught.  I was encouraged because I knew they had been paying attention to something or someone.  I laughed and jumped in the car; my first thought was to have a great Bible study, but I don't think they would've appreciated it as much as me.

So, quick response to that: Don't give up teaching our children!

Now, I just wonder if this means they will vote differently.  Do you think I have anything to worry about?

Stay blessed...john

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