another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Discussion amongst daughters

8/31/2012 0
Little Man wanted to have some time at the ball park for his birthday.  So, the Fletcher Five got their gloves and bats and went to the field.  It wasn't as hot as it has been lately, but it was hot.  I wasn't the only one sweating!  We played for quite some time.  We chased balls, got each other out and ran the bases several times.  There was minimal complaining and no family cheating, mostly.

After a couple of runs around the field I was due for a break.  Sue me.

Ashlei and Brittani joined me and we took a few moments to catch our breath.  Ashlei came a few seconds behind us because she went to get her water bottle.  Oh, that water bottle looked so good.  No one else brought any.  Sweat poured down my face, while water, sweet cold water, bubbled and chugged for her.  She loves me; I know this.  So, I asked for a drink, or two.  Brittani tried to get some as well.  Lovingly, kindly and funly (?) Ashlei said she couldn't do it!

Brittani became our advocate.  "I bet Jesus would give us some," she told the water hogger. "Jesus helped people, Ashlei," was her conclusion.

Ashlei took one more drink, which by this time I think was a little more flauntingly than before.   "Yes," she said with watered lips, "but he also told us about the ten bridesmaids.  Some of them were prepared and some weren't.  I was and you both weren't."


So, both of my daughters are paying attention to scripture.  I was so proud of both of them.  They each recognized something they had been taught.  I was encouraged because I knew they had been paying attention to something or someone.  I laughed and jumped in the car; my first thought was to have a great Bible study, but I don't think they would've appreciated it as much as me.

So, quick response to that: Don't give up teaching our children!

Now, I just wonder if this means they will vote differently.  Do you think I have anything to worry about?

Stay blessed...john

My New Favorite Website

8/25/2012 0

I began this blog with hopes that it would help my church family better understand what goes through my mind Monday through Saturday.  Some posts have fared better than others.  Well, where I have fallen short in my efforts, others have pulled through for me.  Specifically, I’m referring to a website that I recently came across.  

And I know you’ll love the title, too: EV'RY DAY I'M PASTORIN'...

If you’ve ever wondered what makes your pastor tick, I think this website might help.  Find out what your pastors do when they try on vestments.  Feel their surprise when they hear the word “liturgy” in public.  Watch the development of their weekly sermon preparation.

You may not enjoy this website the way I do; I think I’ve checked it every day this week.  But I think you might appreciate it a bit.  Let me know what you think.  Stay blessed...john

I'm Still New Here

8/13/2012 0
Quick question: What do you know God has done IN you?

Think about that for a moment.  Now, read from this passage: Ephesians 4:25-5:2, and then take some time to listen to the following sermon.  I would like us to remember what God has done in us, and what God is still doing in us because we need to recall the new life God is giving each day.  When we do we are better prepared to pay attention to the newness around us as well.  

Often, are faith is communicated by the "No's," "Thou Shall Nots" and "Stop Doing..." that we give the impression that is all our faith is about.  Those "rules," however, aren't meant to keep us in line, but to show us how to live together as God's people, under the grace and love of God.  And they also remind us of something else very important: God is always doing something new!

The reason people wrote those rules was because someone else was new to the body of Christ.  When someone is new you have to demonstrate what you expect from them.  But did you catch the bigger part of that?  New people!  God has been changing hearts and lives forever, and God is still doing so today.  So, the bigger picture is that there is newness all around us that we have to learn to see God is doing.  May God give us eyes to see!
Wimpy Kids (and adults) approve this sermon!  

If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon entitled "I'm Still New Here."  

Stay blessed...john

Will Work for Non-Perishable Food

8/06/2012 0
First, I have to apologize for the sound quality of this sermon. Hopefully, though, I won't have to apologize for the sermon quality of this sermon. I think I might have had the lapel mic off during the sermon. Man, I miss my sound guy! But we're getting things figured out.
The title of this sermon is Will Work for Non-Perishable Food and is based upon John 6:24-35. Oh, how we are more than willing to work for the things we think we want. The saying we learned around the dinner table is true: If we're hungry, we'll eat anything. We are hungry for many things: love; comfort; security; satisfaction, etc. Our tendency, though, is to feed those hungers with things that are not God. Consequently, we are only left more hungry.

It's a cycle many of us know well. We think a bottle will bring comfort, but it only leads to another bottle. We think the mouse click will brink satisfaction, but it only leads to another click. And on and on. Jesus promised us that "whoever comes to me will never be hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." As one hungry beggar to another, I have come to believe that to be true. May it be true for you, too.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++

Stay blessed...john

The Circuit Writer August 2012

8/01/2012 0
We've made some changes to our church newsletter.  The format is different and the name is different.  It was called the Circuit Rider.  Now, it's the Circuit Writer.  Lame, Methodist humor, I know, but I like it!

Have a look and let us know what you think.  

++If you're reading by email or news reader, follow this link to read our newsletter.++

Stay blessed...john