another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

O Happy Day!!

4/30/2012 0
A funny thing happened at work this morning.  Okay, it wasn't all that funny, but I couldn't keep from smiling.  let's just bask in glory of this day, this day that I submitted the final paper of my seminary career.  Yes, friends, we are the champions!

You Look Like You've Just Seen a Savior!

4/23/2012 0
As the disciples tried to make sense of the news of Easter morning, Mr. Up From the Grave appears to them.  I've seen too many movies in my lifetime to think that I would have just stood there merely frightened and doubting like the rest of the disciples.  No, before Ghost Man Jesus has enough time to say, "Boo!" I'd be long gone.

That means that I would have missed dinner, apparently.  And that can never be good.  Even more than that I would have missed that profound experience with Christ.  I am sure the rest of the disciples would have gone out and find me, but I still would have missed something.  

That is the idea behind this sermon.  Christ's Resurrection had an impact on the disciples.  I wonder how much impact it has on us.  How do we experience Christ today if we can't reach out and touch his wounds or have a little Zatarain's fish with him?  That's part of the question we consider in this week's sermon.  Have a listen and share your thoughts.  The sermon is entitled You look like you've just seen a savior!

++If you are reading by email or news feeder, click here to listen to the sermon.++

Writing about reading

4/18/2012 0
I am not completely finished with seminary, yet.  Oh, but I can smell it.  Or is that.....


Although, I am not completely finished with seminary, for the past nine months I have been able to read what I want to read, when I want to read and not worry about writing anything about it.  To be honest, I don't feel all that great about that last part.  I have wanted to share some ideas about several books I have read this year, but, for whatever reason(s) I have not.

To, hopefully, help me to play nice and share more, I am posting about a book before I read any further.  I have just finished the Introduction (Yes, I read those!) to The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity.  My hope is that by posting about it before I read it you will help remind me about it later.  Did you see what I just did?  I pulled you into the blog.  Is that bland writing or consumerism shining through?  We'll have to see.  

What book(s) are you reading now?  Anything worth sharing?  Yes, the comics count for me.

News: Hateful Christians upset about hateful statement

4/17/2012 0

Rose City Park is a United Methodist Church in Portland whose name you probably never knew before.  If so, I would think you are in company with many, many, many other people.  Well, unless you haven't heard of them lately.  Many, many, many people have been introduced to the "other place to be on Sunday."  I am not quite sure what that means.

The thing is, Rose Park has this marquis.  God bless the pastor because he tries to keep corny church stuff off of it!  In fact, one of his most recent message in a marquis brought the church a lot of attention.  Look at the image above and see if you can guess why?

My opinion?  I. LOVE. IT.  I love it so much I was willing to do the annoying period after every word sentence.  You see, I love it so much I'm willing to be annoying--oh, the life my poor wife must live.  If I wasn't moving soon, I would probably steal it and put it on Oak Haven's trusty marquis.  I say if I wasn't moving because not everyone is willing to go all annoying like me.  They just want to be hateful.  Sorry. That was tacky.

What do you think of the sign?  What does it say to you?  What church sign message do you remember most?  Make it a good one so I can go change ours soon.  Right now it only says, "Peace be with you."

Guess what I finally found out

4/17/2012 0

Assuming that I would be able to not fail classes at Perkins, our family has known for four years that we would be moving this summer.  Every semester I have filled out a form that asked for my expected graduation date: May 2012.  Well, as you're probably aware, May 2012--May 12th, to be exact--is very close.  

Friends, I suffer.  Pray for me.  Senioritis has ailed me for many years now.  I hear, though, there is a balm in Gilead that is poured over every diploma passed out at graduation.  I digress.

What our family never knew was where we would be moving once I completed my work at Perkins.  That has changed.  Last week I met with my new District Superintendent and a group of members from the new church we have been appointed to serve.  The first Sunday in July I will be preaching and, I think, leading Communion at Shiner FUMC in Shiner, TX.  Yes, that Shiner.

The physical part of moving is a pain, sometimes very literally.  New churches, friends, ministries and connections are always good.  There is a lot of good in the way we, as United Methodist ministers, move and there are some drawbacks.  Leaving and goodbyes are always difficult.  They're only difficult, though, because of how good everything else was.  So, moving brings opportunities to do more of the same good work of God somewhere new.  And that is what I trust we will be able to do in Shiner.  

Pray for us.  Pray 1) For our family as we transition 2) For Oak Haven, their ministry and their new pastor (We don't know, yet, who that is) and 3) For Shiner FUMC.  They are saying goodbye to a pastoral family they have loved and cared for.  And they have no idea why they got stuck with me, and what they are in for.  Kidding!  Kidding!  Let the games begin.

I can't wait for the blog's family to include the people of Shiner, and I'm looking forward to sharing what we are doing there, too.  

Easter's Work

4/16/2012 0

Gifts abound at Easter time.  Now, I can live with chocolate bunnies--chocolate anything really.  Perhaps we wrap our smaller gifts of candy, trinkets and pocket change in a variety of decorated plastic eggs.  And, of course, many of us gift ourselves with the perfect Easter outfit(s).

Those gifts are okay, but the gifts God has given us for Easter are far superior.  They are 1) the peace of God 2) the Spirit of God and 3) The mission of God.  Those are all the gifts we need.  What's best about those gifts is that they are given when we need them the most.  Jesus first offered them to the fearful disciples locked in a room.  Christ comes to our rooms, too, and offers us the same.

Where do you need peace?  That's where Christ shows up.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++


A Quick Question About Nosy Peppers

4/13/2012 0
If I were in the habit of telling jokes in my sermons, I would soooo want to find a way to fit this one in:

Question: What does a nosy pepper do?
Answer: Gets jalapeno business!

Well, at least there are still Bible studies, meetings and blessings before meals.  Just pretend you didn't hear this one.

What is Mission?

4/10/2012 0
Here is a great quote about mission work.  I read it from a resource our United Methodist Women used recently.  I sure wish more of us could let this sink in.

We learn that mission is not about me giving to you--it is about recognizing God's image in the other as we walk together.
Until we get over ourselves, though, I don't think we'll ever quite get that.  Thanks, UMW, for helping us remember something important.

Where There Are Tears There is Hope

4/10/2012 0
Our Resurrection Sunday revolved around the theme that in Christ's Resurrection there is always hope.  As long as Christ is risen, there is hope.  We repeated that several times Easter morning, both early in the day and at our usual worship time.

What about you?  What was your Easter worship experience?  How do you feel your church celebrated the Risen Lord?

Here is my Easter sermon; it is entitled Where There Are Tears There is Hope.  The sermon focuses on Mary Magdalene's weeping outside the empty tomb, and remembers another story of someone weeping at a friend's death.

++If you are reading by email or news reader, click here to listen to the sermon.++