another john dot com

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That's What It's All About

The Second Sunday of Easter is one of the church's infamous "Low Sundays." That's dumb, and in this sermon I let you know why!  Yesterday's sermon title is That's What It's All About.

The "Now What" of the sermon is to focus on one area of commitment this week. So, think about:
  1. Prayer: Choose a day you will pray more for your church, church leaders and other issues.
  2. Presence: Attend a church activity you would otherwise avoid.
  3. Gifts: Begin to tithe, or make a special offering.
  4. Service: Find a way to be of service to your church or someone in need.
  5. Witness: Think of a specific way you can be a witness to Christ.
First, however, you have to hokey-pokey your way through the sermon.
+If you're reading through email click here for the sermon link.+

Stay blessed...john

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