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The Mute Button

5/31/2011 0

If you are having problems viewing the video, or are reading by email, click this link to watch the video.

This video project is entitled The Mute Button. It is an example of a flash mob, something you have probably heard of or seen. The flash participants are to go about their business amongst an unsuspecting crowd. At a designated time they all mute themselves while continuing with whatever they were doing.  So, a couple is arguing, a man is playing a saxophone and dancers are performing and all of a sudden the shouts are gone, the voices are silenced and even the music has stopped.

It probably will not go down as the best flash mob scene ever, but it was a good idea and something worth trying. In the video there is also a street preacher engaged in ministry, atop a light post. That was a good addition; of course people think I am a little biased. It did remind me, though, of the quote from Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel. And if necessary, use words."

I do not remember where, but I have heard before that may not be Francis' quote. That is something for other people to decide. The idea, in part, is that preaching the Gospel is a lot more than having a polished script handy. It requires action.

In John's Gospel account, Jesus told his disciples, "If you love me you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). Earlier he had told them of his new commandment to love each other just as he had loved them (John 13:34). Many people, when they want to express their love for someone else, try to figure out what they want to tell them. Thus, the sappy love notes. Darn you Hallmark! You have crept into every facet of life.  I think it was Jesus who said, "More than words is all you have to do to make it real."  Okay, maybe that was a stretch, but I bet we would all be surprised by Jesus' mellow vocals.

Earlier in John's book Jesus tells Nicodemus that God so loved the world that he gave them his only Son. Maybe you have heard that verse. Any good wrestling fan has.  It implies, probably, a lot of things to many people. For us right now I think it might mean: God so love the word and did something about it. We do not have sappy love notes from God. Thanks be to God!  Please do not say the Bible is a love note.

In scripture, we have an example of doing. As Christians, our words have become less and less influential, meaningful and even tolerable to those listening, or just passing by. What people will notice is what we do with our faith.  I have seen forgiveness expressed by a hug, a silent embrace. What about when we follow through with our words and stand with those who need someone?

Understand, I am not suggesting that preaching cannot and does not involve words. That is too simplistic.  Besides, what would I do on Sunday mornings? I am, however, suggesting that maybe we need to be willing to hit the mute button every now and then and get to preaching with our lives.  Some of us need to mute some others of us, but that might be another sermon.

For some people that sounds easy. What about you? How are you able to "preach" the Gospel? Any ideas? If you were the street preacher on the light post how would you show the Gospel once you were muted.  Stay blessed...john

Another linkdump, May 27, 2011

5/27/2011 0

Full of Surprises

5/27/2011 0
Many of us do not like surprises. For the most part, I am one who does not. Well, okay maybe a birthday surprise at the end of a meal at my favorite restaurant. We all know, though, my wife’s early trip to the ladies’ room includes a brush with our server, if you know what I mean. So, that hardly counts as a full-fledged surprise. Plus, there are all kinds of surprises, and some are harder to keep a surprise than others. I certainly would like to have foregone the recent surprise by the I.R.S. And maybe I am too cynical, but the people I know would not be able to hide their cars from viewing to surprise me as I walked in the door to a party—that is stuff for television.

Maybe that is just me; but I know other people who feel the same. Perhaps it is the fear of the unknown or part of our desire to always be prepared. I was never a Boy Scout—a Royal Ranger once—but that seems like a good mantra to have. Surprises take me out of control. It would seem, I suppose, that I like a little more control than I think I do.

Now, even though I would rather avoid most surprises there is something I think is important for us to realize about our calling as God’s people, and it has to do with surprises. No, please do not surprise me at an administrative board meeting. We are all trying to get out in time for lunch! (Kidding) For those of you who like surprises this might make perfect sense. For the rest of us, well we should be able to appreciate it too.

First, let me share this story with you: Pastor Gives Away Prize Money

A pastor made an appearance on a game show, something he tried to do more than once, and won a pretty good amount of money--$180,000. His intent from the very beginning was simple: give most of the money away. He had a friend who was in financial need. That is exactly what he did. He gave away $160,000 to his friend. Of course, this made news. I imagine people’s emotions varied from shocked, inspired, set-off or even, dare I say, surprised.

So, let’s trek back to our little discussion on surprises. I think we should be surprising people. Paul demonstrates what I mean (Romans 12: 9-21).  Most of you probably have Bibles with headings.  I'll give 1,000 points to the person who comments first what the heading is.  Here is what Paul has to say:

9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. 11Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. 17Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. 18If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ 20No, ‘if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads.’ 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I imagine the pastor’s friend was surprised he followed through with it. From the story I gather the host and studio audience were surprised, as well as everyone who heard about it. Who would do such a thing? I know--a person full of surprises.

What would most enemies expect from each other? Probably behaviors that are enemy-like. You have seen enough war movies and crime shows to affirm that. I would also suspect that someone who wrongs another is sure their actions will be repaid by wrong as well. You know we love that eye for an eye stuff.

Oh, but how wonderful it would be if we could surprise people! That is, I think, what Paul instructs us to do. I know people who think Paul is full of other things, but our in-your-face apostle has some great words to live by. Do not repay evil with evil—anyone can do that! And just what is evil? Paul mentions it several times in Romans. In my experience, people tend to think of evil as the Boogie Man. I am not convinced Paul was a horror flick kind of guy. The evilness he refers to is somehow related to his heart. It is, often, something he does. There seems to also be a real sense of an effect his evilness has on others. You know Paul was a man of the real world. He tells us: do not repay evil with evil. How many times have you heard the phrase, “Oh, they are going to pay for that one.”

Think about that. Sure someone bad-mouthed you, but what does your bad-mouth response do for your relationship with that person other than further the tension? It does not really make us feel better, does it? Please remind me: Your unwillingness to forgive does what for the kingdom of God, again?

Paul tells us to feed our enemies, to live peaceably with others and show honor to others. Face it,that would be very surprising of some of us. You know who you are. Think, though, of the good our surprises could do. Even for someone like me who says he does not like surprises can appreciate how our world could change if we surprised people more. If someone surprises me like that it helps me to consider what my attitudes and/or responses are to them.

How do we become more surprising? Well, God’s transforming love makes us a surprising people. There is no other way to explain it. Quite often, the evil I do not want to do is what I find myself doing. There is no way I am doing this on my own, and that should come as no surprise.

How about you? Has the love of God been revealed to you? Are you someone who talks, believes or depends on the love of God? If not, let me assure you it is a powerful love.If you have, then this question is for you: How full of surprises will you be?

Stay blessed...john


5/23/2011 0
I am writing in the midst of a storm. The thunder is loud; the lightening is bright; the hail is, for now, small. What a great way to reflect on a sermon I just gave.

I want so much for my sermons to be instructive, that people would know more what it means to be followers of Jesus. I think I do that. What I also want to remember are the storms people face. Just because they hear a sermon on Sunday doesn't mean Monday's storms go away. So, I want a sermon to make sense enough that its listeners can see through the storm, much like I can now as I look through the mini-blinds in my office, to remember what God is doing in their life.

Yesterday's sermon was on winning--the right way. Actually, winning with the way, the truth and the life God has for us.

I would appreciate your input. Where was I off, or where could I have been a little more clear?

++If you're reading by email click here to listen to the sermon.++

Mr. Sheen would not be proud of my winning.
Stay blessed...and keep winning...john

Another linkdump, May 20, 2011

5/20/2011 0

  • Train your children to recognize greatness with The Cosby Sweater Project.
  • Rare color photos of the Great Depression
  • You knew they were smarter than you.  Now, learn the nations of the world with the Animaniacs.  
  • I will never drink Coke again, until I forget watching this
  • Creepy. Maybe. Crawly. Yep. Flying. Amazing.  Yes, folks, this is the case for cockroaches.
  • Be confused by the inception chair.

from an email (Thanks, David):
A hungry bloke walks into a seedy cafe in Glasgow.....
He sits at the counter and notices a Jock with his arms folded staring blankly at a bowl of chilli.
After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the hungry bloke bravely asks,”If you aren't going to eat that mind if I do?"
The old Jock slowly turns his head toward the young bloke and says, "Nah, ye can gae ahead."
Eagerly, the young bloke reaches over and slides the bowl over to his place and starts spooning it in with delight.
He gets nearly down to the bottom and notices a dead mouse in the chilli. The sight was shocking and he immediately pukes up the chilli back into the bowl.
The old Jock says,” Aye, that’s as far as I got too."

Stay blessed...john

Partnership in Education Signing Ceremony

5/17/2011 0
May 4, 2011, I believe, will be a day Oak Haven UMC will remember for some time.  Perhaps the date will fade away; a handful of members were on hand that day.  However, I am convinced the partnership with F.M. Gilbert and The University of Dallas will prove to be a blessing for years to come.

Our partnership with the school is not about money.  It involves something more important--relationships.  Money may do a school a lot of good.  Lord knows how the impact of loosing money is hurting our schools right now.  Relationships, real relationships, though, last a lot longer and have a greater impact on the lives of the people involved.  If we can care enough to be involved in our schools, in the lives of the people of our communities and share the joys and pains of those who work with our students then we, the body of Christ, allow for God's love to be demonstrated in lasting ways.

Everyone around here knows how excited I am about this.  My prayer is that everyone will continue to jump on board with us.

Here is video coverage of our signing ceremony:

Stay blessed...john

Not As Awful as We Used to Be

5/16/2011 0
Someone recently asked me if I ever get nervous when I preach.  People have asked me that before and my response is still the same.  I have never known enough to be nervous.  That is to say, if I would have had any of the knowledge, conviction and commitment that I do now back when I first began preaching, then I think would have been.  Preaching is a meaningful task.

Now, that I have been preaching for several years, it almost comes out naturally.  So, there are no nerves involved.  Especially, on a day like yesterday.  Yesterday's sermon was one I think I will remember for a while.  I preach to myself just as much as I preach to everyone else on Sunday mornings, but this sermon was one that "cut" to my heart.

Unless you hear the sermon you don't really know what I mean when I ask, "What are you full of?"

++Click this link to listen if you are reading by email.++

Thoughts? Reflections?

Stay blessed...john

Sermon Series: For the Love of God

5/12/2011 0

Sermon Series: Is That Church Growing?

5/12/2011 0

Another linkdump, May 11, 2011

5/11/2011 0
This week I finished most of my sermon by Wednesday.  I read what I wanted to.  There were no trips to Dallas.  I went to bed early a couple of times and did not feel bad about it.  Life on the other side of class is wonderful.

And I've been able to use my Google Reader more this week.  Here are some things I came across that you might have missed, not because I'm cooler than you or anything. 

  • Coke's 3D 125th Anniversary Illumination.  The song is pretty good, too:

Stay blessed...john

What Things?

5/09/2011 0
It is a Monday morning right now.  This is the first Monday morning after the end of a semester, and a special semester, indeed.  Last week I submitted my final paper and attending my final class at Perkins.  Yes, no more pencils, no more books...

Now, I still have a year of internship to complete.  It is a course that requires written work.  However, I already have a sense of what kind of work I need to turn in, and I am not worried at all.  The pressures of the classroom, word counts and pages read are behind me--way behind me!  At the same time I hope to begin work on my commissioning paperwork.  Again, I am not too worried about that.

This next year I get to focus on my church like I have not been able to in several years.  Classrooms have been a part of my schedule for the past 5+ years.  I am looking forward to being more available and attentive to my congregation.  And, giving more attention to my sermons as well.

Thank God!  That is what I have repeated to myself quite a bit over the last few days.  In the coming weeks I am hoping to take some serious time to reflect upon some of my experience at seminary and share with you.

In the meantime, here is yesterday's sermon entitled "What Things?"  Two disciples traveled to a town called Emmaus and met some stranger.  This stranger wanted to know what things weighed on their heart.  "What things?" he asked them.  That is the same question the stranger asks us.
++Click here if you are reading by email++

After listening to the sermon, consider this: Pray specifically this week about your answer to Jesus' question, "What things?"  Ask others to join with you in prayer.  Ask God to help you seem ore of Christ as you face these struggles.

I would appreciate your comments or observations from the sermon. Stay blessed...john

Mother's Day

5/05/2011 0
This is just your neighborly reminder that this Sunday is Mother's Day.

Stay blessed...john

That's What It's All About

5/02/2011 0
The Second Sunday of Easter is one of the church's infamous "Low Sundays." That's dumb, and in this sermon I let you know why!  Yesterday's sermon title is That's What It's All About.

The "Now What" of the sermon is to focus on one area of commitment this week. So, think about:
  1. Prayer: Choose a day you will pray more for your church, church leaders and other issues.
  2. Presence: Attend a church activity you would otherwise avoid.
  3. Gifts: Begin to tithe, or make a special offering.
  4. Service: Find a way to be of service to your church or someone in need.
  5. Witness: Think of a specific way you can be a witness to Christ.
First, however, you have to hokey-pokey your way through the sermon.
+If you're reading through email click here for the sermon link.+

Stay blessed...john