another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Only for the Only

It seems like it has been a while since I last posted a sermon.  I wanted to get the recording for the Spanish sermon, but it might be best that is lost forever.  Everyone said they gave it a B+; I thought it was a C.  The translation was good and made it easy for me to follow.  I was playing minds games with that sermon.  There was something about having it translated, which meant I had to have it all done and typed, that threw me off.  Still, I appreciated the chance.  Hopefully, I'll get another shot at that soon!

The sermon below is the final sermon of 2010.  Someone suggested that this Christmas seemed different for them--that the Spirit of Christmas seemed overwhelmed by the running around that goes with the season.  Gifts, Angel trees, cards, wrapping paper, etc don't just show up.  Somebody has to go get them.

For me, this was probably one of the better Christmases.  This was the year we finally did it!  We didn't worry about buying gifts.  We drew names and bought stuff for the kids.  No stress.  Besides that, for me, the image of God's Light into our dark world stood out most to me.  I am convinced this made my Christmas celebration more meaningful.  Even though I love this song: Happy Birthday, Jesus.

So, with all that in mind, here is my final sermon of 2010.  It is entitled Only for the Only.  Confession: though I thought about it all week, it didn't get written until early, early Sunday morning.  Those of you who can tell, can tell; I'll never let that happen again.

Stay blessed...john

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