another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

You Tawkin to Me?

Before you continue reading you might want to make up your mind what label is more useful for you to use for your local minister…preacher….reverend….brother/sister in charge...or whatever else there is to call that person(s) your church pays to know more than the average lay person.

You’ve probably met both, and many in between. Remember Mr., Dr., Rev., New Sliced Bread, II, Ph.D, WWE. Don’t hate him. There are also those for whom it made more sense to invest in a domain name rather than an academic title; their name lacks the abbreviations, but is accompanied by a copyright symbol. Nice.

No, it's not me, but it's a nice look!
No wonder many people don’t know what to call their clergypersons (whatever you already decided to call them). People often ask me what I preferred to be called. “Johnny” is reserved for Momma, so don’t go there. I do like the title, “And our winner is…” Scholarship checks make me feel the best when they call me, “Pay to the order of….”

Remember, though, I’m just another john. I’m just happy to be here. If I ever get caught up with what title people put in front of my name then I’ve forgotten the joy this calling has giving me. That said, I understand how some people, church members, struggle with it. Some cannot call me John. Pastor is my name and your church is my game. Others want to be more professional or respectful and change my name to Reverend. My favorite title came when I was an associate pastor. Don’t tell me it was an accident that Associate was abbreviated with only the first three letters!

All that is to say this: Call me whatever you’re comfortable with. Typically, based on what title someone gives me I can tell what expectations they have for my role, at least which one stands out the most. No one title encompasses everything we’re supposed to be and do as ministers; and no one title limits what we are able to do just the same.

So, what about it? What do you call your pastor(s)? Have you thought about why you use that title, or don’t? How do you think what you call your pastor dictates what you think their role in the church should be?

I’m very interested to hear what you have to say. Stay blessed…john

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