another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Will you still Like us?

That Oak Haven website outviewed this site once again last month! Those UMW loved that directory post; helped me catch up, but I couldn’t get ahead.

Now, I want you to keep helping Oak Haven. Are you on Facebook? Most of you probably are. Oak Haven is, too. When I set up that account I didn’t know all the rules. I just agreed to the terms. You probably did too! All that means is that the Oak Haven UMC account most people are familiar with is set up against Facebook terms. Organizations cannot have profile pages. They must have Fan Pages. We’ve since straightened all that out by creating a Fan Page.

Now, we need your help. The against-the-rules profile page has a decent number of friends following it. We would like to fully transition to our Fan Page without losing all of those friends following us. So, here is what you can do:
  1. Visit the Oak Haven United Methodist Church Fan Page. If the Spirit so moves click on the "Like" button.  This helps us raise our Fan Page following.
  2. If you are a friend of the bad Profile Page then unfollow Oak Haven UMC.  We want to stop using this page in the somewhat near future.
  3. Share this article with everyone you know on Facebook :)

You are appreciated! Stay blessed…john

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