another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Why! Why? Why!

Spend time around any three-year-old and you’ll quickly become acquainted with their favorite phrase: Why? You’ll also find “Because I said so” doesn’t enjoy the same privilege it once did. Part of growing up…okay, part of maturing….no, that sounds worse….part of not being able to take back years of life is learning. When we ask, we learn. Most three-year-olds grow up and don’t ask “Why” as much. Once you finish your hallelujahs I’ll ask you to consider why that might not be for the best. Sadly, I think, many are either unwilling to or unable to ask the important “why.”

Asking the tough questions of life and faith does not make us any less faithful, reverent or obedient to God. Again, when we ask, we learn, and learning is a process of repetition, listening, practice and patience. All these can deepen our understanding of who God is while drawing us closer to God. Read the Gospels; among other things Jesus was a teacher. He had to teach people how to be his disciples. That comforts me; it tells me I’m not the only messed up disciple. Ask the whys. I’m sure God is better at listening to them than we are.

Stay blessed...john

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