another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

New Look

No, not for me. It looks like our conference has remodeled its website. I want to say I had heard they were working on a new format, but nevertheless its up and running. Also, I came across our conference newspaper as well. I don't know whether that is new or not, but it looks informative--not just filler info.

Southwest Texas Conference
United Methodist Witness

Our church website may be down for a while. I've been trying to recruit someone to take over the maintenance of it. No one has offered their skills. So, I may be putting a message there soon. Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to get more participation in that area?

It's been one of those days. So, pray for me. Those days don't happen to me often, but when they do..(!) Stay blessed...john

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