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Altar Egos

Video game maker Electronic Arts created Altar Egos to test the market for Christian video games. The game, which EA describes as "Grand Theft Auto without the graphic violence and sex, and set in a church building," is not yet available in stores but was sent to hundreds of churches across the U.S. where it has become an instant obsession.

So, do we have any gamers ready for a tournament? Here's the link at Lark News: Guilty Pleasure (+ThinkChristian).

Okay, it's no secret that the ol PlayStation helps keep me in line. I haven't been able to play as much as I probably need to. With about 8 weeks left in the semester maybe a game like this would be beneficial.

Happy playing.

Stay blessed...john

1 comment:

John said...

I find that third-person shooters help me work out my stress. Very relaxing.