another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Faith in the 21st Century

I'm not even going to touch the issue some in the article (Foot-Washing Sink Plan Awash in Controversy) try to address. That is something I don't want to get into right now. I'm reading about this foot washing sink being installed in an Indianapolis airport. All kinds of things are running through my little mind: I'm wondering why the church's marquee says it's the "home of the eagles (strike that; upon further review I realized it's a Christian School)," I didn't know there was something called Islamophobia (Well, it does generate a little red squiggly line in WORD) and what do you say when you go into the bathroom and see someone doing this? As it is men don't even like to use urinals that are next to each other.

So, maybe this doesn't have to much to do with the article, but as I'm reading I'm wondering why these kind of practices would have to be done in an airport. Is everyday life getting in the way of faith for some? All I can do is relate it to the only faith I practice. To me, this sounds a lot like when we Christians want to put ATMs in churches or want to get a smaller piece of bread for Communion.

Where does convenience fit into our faith lives? It would seem to me that the young rich ruler may have chosen convenience, among other things, when he wasn't willing to leave his possessions and comforts behind to follow Jesus. When everything around us is designed for our comfort and convenience it becomes real easy to want to practice a microwave faith. So many of us, I think, would have gone nuts if Jesus had asked us to be one of His disciples. He couldn't just give an answer to a question. Noooo. He just had to make us think and use our noggins to connect Scripture with what He was telling us.

So, how real is our worship and discipleship if it has to be convenient? Just a question. Stay blessed...john

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