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The Real Deal With the Pumpkins

10/29/2007 0
First, I'm not into decorations and all that, but doesn't the church lawn look pretty nice with all those pumpkins? Gloria taught her Sunday School class outside in the Patch yesterday (she co-teaches middle and high school students); the guys loved it--at least that's what we took from their smiles, feedback, participation and how can you not be happy laying in a Pumpkin Patch on a bean bag?

Secondly, and here's probably my main idea, this isn't about the money--at least not too much right now. What I mean to say is that this isn't some big money making project for us, yet. I know there are churches that use this to completely fund certain ministry projects or areas; we are not there. There's nothing that says we couldn't be. At this point we're averaging about $24 an hour (and please don't ask me why I know that). This just isn't anything that can be considered a cash cow.

While we don't quite have enough dough for staff volunteers to roll around in here is what's going on: the little things are happening. It may sound corny, but people who haven't known each other in church have had chances to talk and get to know one another. We've extended many, many welcomes and invitations to some of our different events. This is what I noticed from this week's papers: there was mention of "those pumpkins" in two of the other surrounding cities and also of those in Bandera. Now, that may not seem like a big deal and perhaps it isn't. But those in Bandera are ours. So, my point is that people are connecting the dots as to who to know for pumpkins in Bandera.

When they come we have small conversation. Their kids get stickers, I get to tell a few dumb jokes or even show off my great coloring skills, and we make sure to tell them to remind everyone we're here. I believe it's another easy chance to show some people in our communities that we are normal people. There's nothing extraterrestrial about most of us. Maybe that could be the realization someone needs to participate in ministry. Who knows?

I think it would be worth doing again next year. We would be building on what we've already established. Whether it's worth it or not is up to our members. To me it seems like the Patch has so easily become something our church does--you know like our church does an egg hunt, or carnival. I'm still waiting for someone to find it in their hearts to share some pumpkin pie!

Stay blessed...john

P.S. Yes, the youth are there. They just don't sign their names up; they come with their families.

Eagles 23 Vikings 16

10/29/2007 0
All is good in my world.

**From Sunday School class yesterday: The last words of 1King 6 mention Solomon taking (7) years to build the Temple. The first words of chapter (7) mention it took him (13) years to build his palace. My question to the class was, "Why did it take Solomon almost twice as long to build his palace?" Response: "The wife kept changing the plans." He did have a few of them, didn't he?

**I'm going to see if I can get a particular Patch couple to write out their pumpkin story. In the meantime, what about this kid?

Stay blessed (I know I am)...john

The O.Z.

10/18/2007 0
I've never watched the show (I believe it's a miniseries); so, I don't really know what it's all about other than it's a remake of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The site was pretty cool.

Infinite Oz

Stay blessed...john


10/15/2007 0
So, you've been wondering, "Is my presidential candidate a secularist or theocratic?" We're glad you asked:

The God-o-Meter (pronounced Gah-DOM-meter) scientifically measures factors such as rate of God-talk, effectiveness—saying God wants a capital gains tax cut doesn't guarantee a high rating—and other top-secret criteria. Click a candidate's head to get his or her latest God-o-Meter reading and blog post. And check back often. With so much happening on the campaign trail, God-o-Meter is constantly recalibrating!

Get your candidate's current calibration here: God-O-Meter (+JWalkBlog)

Stay blessed...john

Video for 10.12.07

10/12/2007 0
Someone shared this video with me this morning.

Altar Egos

10/11/2007 1
Video game maker Electronic Arts created Altar Egos to test the market for Christian video games. The game, which EA describes as "Grand Theft Auto without the graphic violence and sex, and set in a church building," is not yet available in stores but was sent to hundreds of churches across the U.S. where it has become an instant obsession.

So, do we have any gamers ready for a tournament? Here's the link at Lark News: Guilty Pleasure (+ThinkChristian).

Okay, it's no secret that the ol PlayStation helps keep me in line. I haven't been able to play as much as I probably need to. With about 8 weeks left in the semester maybe a game like this would be beneficial.

Happy playing.

Stay blessed...john

I've Been Profiled

10/11/2007 0
No, not like that. This was actually a non-threatening experience. You can read the profile at Locusts & Honey. Here's the link: Locusts & Honey

Pumpkin Patch

10/10/2007 1
As we're getting ready for the arrival of our pumpkins I've been looking around for last minute ideas and suggestions. I came across When Grace Happens--a blog from J. Scott McKay; here's a thought he shared about the Pumpkin Patch:
Finally, the Pumpkin Patch reminds us that we may different but we are all beautiful. Unique does not mean unlovable. It takes all kinds of pumpkins to make a patch and it takes all of us to make a church.

Read the rest of his Pumpkin Patch thoughts here: Pumpkin Patch Time
We're still looking for volunteers from Bandera (and beyond) to fill time slots; so, don't forget to sign up this Sunday--you don't wanna miss out on meeting Priscilla Pumpkin!

Stay blessed...john

Faith of an athlete

10/09/2007 0
I'm glad to have read this story:

Avant's Faith is Far From Cliche

It has become so ordinary. Trite even. A receiver catches a touchdown pass, falls to his knees and points to the sky. After the game he tells Suzy Kolber or Bonnie Bernstein or Michelle Tafoya that he wants to thank God.

Admit it. There is a temptation to roll the eyes. It's understandable.

Too many times, that same receiver shows up on TV later, involved in something far from holy. Nobody likes to be duped.

That's exactly how I feel when some athlete comes on television saying he has found Jesus, or that he/she gives all the glory to God. Of course I know athletes aren't the only people that do this. They just get the bigger stage in our society.

Go Eagles! Stay blessed...john

Faith in the 21st Century

10/09/2007 0
I'm not even going to touch the issue some in the article (Foot-Washing Sink Plan Awash in Controversy) try to address. That is something I don't want to get into right now. I'm reading about this foot washing sink being installed in an Indianapolis airport. All kinds of things are running through my little mind: I'm wondering why the church's marquee says it's the "home of the eagles (strike that; upon further review I realized it's a Christian School)," I didn't know there was something called Islamophobia (Well, it does generate a little red squiggly line in WORD) and what do you say when you go into the bathroom and see someone doing this? As it is men don't even like to use urinals that are next to each other.

So, maybe this doesn't have to much to do with the article, but as I'm reading I'm wondering why these kind of practices would have to be done in an airport. Is everyday life getting in the way of faith for some? All I can do is relate it to the only faith I practice. To me, this sounds a lot like when we Christians want to put ATMs in churches or want to get a smaller piece of bread for Communion.

Where does convenience fit into our faith lives? It would seem to me that the young rich ruler may have chosen convenience, among other things, when he wasn't willing to leave his possessions and comforts behind to follow Jesus. When everything around us is designed for our comfort and convenience it becomes real easy to want to practice a microwave faith. So many of us, I think, would have gone nuts if Jesus had asked us to be one of His disciples. He couldn't just give an answer to a question. Noooo. He just had to make us think and use our noggins to connect Scripture with what He was telling us.

So, how real is our worship and discipleship if it has to be convenient? Just a question. Stay blessed...john

Church is a Waste

10/08/2007 0

(+our valiant newsletter editor)

New Look

10/01/2007 0
No, not for me. It looks like our conference has remodeled its website. I want to say I had heard they were working on a new format, but nevertheless its up and running. Also, I came across our conference newspaper as well. I don't know whether that is new or not, but it looks informative--not just filler info.

Southwest Texas Conference
United Methodist Witness

Our church website may be down for a while. I've been trying to recruit someone to take over the maintenance of it. No one has offered their skills. So, I may be putting a message there soon. Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to get more participation in that area?

It's been one of those days. So, pray for me. Those days don't happen to me often, but when they do..(!) Stay blessed...john