
You mad, bro?

Is it possible to go through life on this planet without being hurt?  I don't think so.  We all have pain.  

Part of my role as minister is to remind people that God understands our pain and wants to comfort and console us. Christ knew what it meant to be hurt.  His home town friends tried to kill him and his disciples ditched him when he needed them the most.  And that's not even going theological--something about God become incarnate.  

God is able to renew us and instill in us a peace that surpasses anything we could imagine.  That peace brings healing and wholeness of life.

Still, people hurt.  And we don't know where in life they're dealing with their hurt, or not dealing with it.  Today may be the day they hear of God's mercy and peace and want it for themselves.  Tomorrow may be the day.  Their 101st birthday may be the day.  In the mean time, their anger may manifest itself in particular behaviors that bother you.  So, what do we do?  

There's a helpful quote hanging from my office door this week.  It reads: The world doesn't want to be saved.  The world wants to be loved (And that's how you save it).  

We may not know the pain others face, but, perhaps, we can remember it is there.  In doing so, we can learn to respond to people's pain instead of the off-comments they make, their rudeness or whatever else ticks us off about them.  Difficult?  You bet.  Possible.  You bet.  

Remember these words from Paul?

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).  

Any ideas on how to do that?  Stay blessed...john

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