
Texas Stadium Implosion

I still haven't had time to drive by to see what it looks like without the stadium there. The Fletchers all hopped in the Minivan with thousands of our neighbors to watch the implosion of Texas Stadium. That was a first for me.

I understand being sentimental; I do. But I don't understand how some people get all emotional when talking about this stadium (or lack there of). No, it's not because I am a loud mouth Eagles fan. We won some pretty good games there, too. I thought it was alright to be able to attend the last Monday Night game there.

It was a building. I have a hard time with people crying about it. When the Vet in Philadelphia was torn down I thought the same thing.

Still, it was a little fun to watch. Here is what we saw:

You know me. I was kicking myself for not making some signs that said something like: I Was on my Way to Church Before I Saw This Building Fall Down. Now, I'm Going to Church. Wanna Come?

Anyways, bad idea. I thought people are unable to get up that early on Sunday morning? Stay blessed...john

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