another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

What's My Line

Movie bloopers are fun to watch. Initially, if you waited for the credits to run after the movie you would be able to watch the gag reels. Suddenly, bloopers and outtakes are common features to any movie on DVD. There’s something human about watching our favorite actors stumble through lines and scenes. The final productions play out so perfectly that sometimes we forget it took months, sometimes years to get through all the blunders, mishaps and other logistical aspects. If anything, we can remind ourselves that the most perfect actor or story told on the silver screen isn’t all perfect.

There is a misconception that the Bible is full of people who have it all together. Is the Bible a blooper reel? No, but in studying the Bible we find the most vivid examples of people stumbling through life and their relationship with God. These bloopers aren’t always very funny. They can, however, provide insight into how we live our lives. Our circumstances may not mirror biblical characters, but they often parallel. We can learn from the struggles, doubts, mistakes and victories found in the text. Select a biblical character to relate to and see what your faith can learn.

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