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Giving Back

This guy was big when we were in school.  Things haven't changed too much.  I'm happy for him and and excited that Galveston is getting this.  Let's think: are these the biggest sports names that the island has had at one time?  I think so.  This will be a great event!

Gloria and I have been wanting to get there so bad to help do something.  I will say that volunteers and agencies like UMCOR (I'm not sure which others to name, yet, but I will) have begun work on my family's house.  They've done excellent work in a short amount of time.  It's like they're getting a new home.  

And since we're talking about home.  I'm got a hold of another classmate ('96!) that I hadn't seen since graduating.  Go check out his site.  I'm happy about what he's doing as well.
The city of Galveston will be able to celebrate the career of native son Casey Hampton later this month. In return, he’s giving back to the island.

Hampton, a Ball High and University of Texas grad who just won his second Super Bowl as a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers, will be honored at a relief benefit dinner March 27 at the Pelican Club at Gaido’s Restaurant. The next day, Hampton will be featured in a parade through Galveston and have his football jersey number retired at Ball High School./blockquote>

Read the entire article here: Weekend events to honor Ball grad Hampton  Stay blessed...john

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